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AFA PhD Student Poster Session

Poster Session

Friday, Jan. 3, 2025 7:00 AM - 6:00 PM (PST)

San Francisco Marriott Marquis, Yerba Buena Salon 7

Saturday, Jan. 4, 2025 7:00 AM - 6:00 PM (PST)

San Francisco Marriott Marquis, Yerba Buena Salon 7

Sunday, Jan. 5, 2025 7:00 AM - 1:00 PM (PST)

San Francisco Marriott Marquis, Yerba Buena Salon 7
Hosted By: American Finance Association
  • Chair: Wei Jiang, Emory University

A New Keynesian Preferred Habitat Model with Repo

Qian Wu
Indiana University


This paper documents different observations in the Treasury cash and repo markets during the Global Financial Crisis (GFC) and the Covid-19 pandemic. To account for these observations, I develop a New Keynesian Preferred Habitat model with repo assets, featuring market segmentation, financial frictions, and liquidity/safety preference. I show that there was a flight-to-liquidity demand for short-term Treasuries during the GFC and a flight-from-safety supply for long-term Treasuries during Covid-19. I then use the model to study the passthrough of monetary policies to asset prices and macroeconomic variables. The model equilibrium yields three key findings. Firstly, the excess return in the Treasury cash market involves risk premia and (in)convenience premia, while the excess return in the repo market includes only (in)convenience premia. Secondly, financial frictions attenuate the passthrough of conventional policy while strengthening that of QE and QT. Lastly, the efficacy of monetary policies is contingent upon the relative importance of the repo borrowing channel compared to the cash borrowing channel. These findings contribute to a deeper understanding of the monetary policy transmission mechanisms in the post-GFC era.

Anomalies and Links to Market: Supranational Evidence Abroad from New Market Efficiency Measures

Yanran Li
CUNY-Baruch College
Xi Dong
CUNY-Baruch College
Yan Li
Southwestern University of Finance and Economics
David Rapach
Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta
Guofu Zhou
Washington University in St. Louis


Cross-sectional anomalies and time-series market returns are jointly determined in equilibrium, suggesting a necessity to unify the two central literatures for more general understanding of asset pricing. Examining 44 non-U.S. countries, we find that representative cross-sectional anomalies are mostly insignificant at the country level, but become significant once aggregated to the supranational level. After aggregation, supposedly “market-neutral” long-minus-short anomaly returns predict developed-market returns, while “market-exposed” long-or-short anomaly returns predict emerging-market returns. Furthermore, characteristics – foundational to cross-sectional predictability – become useful in time-series predictability to some extent after supranational aggregation as well. We rationalize international anomaly-market links by decomposing them into novel measures of foundational market efficiency concepts, including inter-temporal, systematic importance of mispricing, relative importance of price randomness, and asymmetric mispricing correction speed. The first and the latter two factors shape the links differently across markets of different maturity. We address data-mining in testing international anomaly-market linkages by assuming anomalies and their market-return predictability are both data-mined domestically.

Are Stablecoins the Money Market Mutual Funds of the Future?

Nico Oefele
University of Western Australia
Dirk G. Baur
University of Western Australia
Lee A. Smales
University of Western Australia


This paper is the first to provide a comprehensive comparison of two financial instruments: stablecoins and money market mutual funds (MMFs). We observe similar reserve asset backing for fiat reserve backed (FRB) stablecoins and MMFs, similar importance of sponsor support, and the same negative association between macroeconomic indicators and peg deviations. Both instruments serve as short-term facilities for investors to park funds and their primary market microstructure is similar. However, FRB stablecoins exhibit larger dispersions from the dollar peg, significantly higher volatility, and a lack of transparency in their market infrastructure. Larger FRB stablecoins show reduced volatility compared to their smaller counterparts, with peg deviation drivers more closely resembling those of MMFs. We conclude that FRB stablecoins demonstrate remarkable similarities to MMFs and have the potential to become the MMFs of the future.

Auditor Screening in the Presence of Social Polarization

Neil Hwang


"Polarization has been intensifying in recent years and manifested in various facets of our daily lives. What was initially a phenomenon on the ideological political spectrum (“ideological polarization”) has since become a strongly emotional one based on one’s social ties (“affective polarization”), influencing individual and group actions largely based on their group identity (“social polarization”). Intuitively, due to its adversarial nature, one would surmise that accounting audits are particularly vulnerable to social polarization, with auditors’ decisions influenced, whether consciously or unconsciously, by their clients’ group identity on the
polarization spectrum. We first investigate population-level network formation mechanisms that closely model the polarization seen empirically, particularly in the United States. In doing so, we pay a particular close attention to how polarization undergoes a phase change from ideological to affective, which has significant implications for adversarial transactions such as audits. We then discuss the problem of auditor screening from the perspective of an impartial audit committee in a dynamic setting, where the pool of auditors is a sample from the population with a given level of polarization. Auditors (“agents”), just like other members
of the society (“individuals”), dynamically form their social networks to minimize cognitive dissonance that arises from the mismatch between actions implied by their own ideologies and circumstances, and those of their friends, family, and other members of their social network. We find that in equilibrium, given that individuals place sufficient weight on the behaviors of their peers when optimizing their actions (the affective polarization parameter), disparate network communities emerge that partition the network and action space. As a result, the group identity, rather than experiences or ideologies, of the auditor determines their action
particularly in situations without clear-cut answers. We then characterize the class of auditor selection mechanisms that are optimal for impartial audit committees. Given the CFO’s position on the polarization spectrum, the optimal auditor is one whose social network is the most homogeneously polarized on the opposite end of the spectrum."

Balance Sheet Constraints of Prime Brokers on Hedge Fund Performance: Evidence from GSIB Surcharge

Yueting Jiang
Chinese University of Hong Kong
Yiwen Shen
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology


"Hedge funds often use leverage provided by prime brokers to enhance their investment returns. We investigate how prime brokers’ capital constraints impact the performance of connected hedge funds. At the hedge fund level, we construct a measure for prime brokers’ balance sheet constraints using the capital requirements under the Basel III framework. We document that tighter balance sheet constraints of prime brokers lead to lower future return, alpha, volatility, Sharpe ratio, and information ratio of the hedge funds. These findings are consistent with an analytical model in which prime brokers respond to balance sheet constraints by increasing leverage cost or decreasing leverage provision to hedge funds. The effects are generally stronger for smaller hedge funds and
during more capital binding times. Our results reveal the real effects of bank regulation on connected financial institutions via the services of prime brokers."

Bank Funding to Nonbank Financiers: Risk-sharing or Regulatory Arbitrage?

Clara (Chi) Xu
University of Pennsylvania


I document that 96% of banks' funding to nonbank financiers (NBFs) occurs through credit lines, while NBFs hold about 84% of corporate term loans. NBFs use bank credit lines to manage both investment shocks and liquidity needs, while banks' funding advantage makes them natural insurers for NBFs. I develop a macrofinance model to quantify the value of contingent liquidity. Banks trade off the risk-sharing benefits of “renting” NBF balance sheets through credit line extensions against the costs associated with granting higher credit limits, which influence NBFs’ drawdown decisions. Calibrated to U.S. syndicated loan data, the model shows that credit lines offer NBFs partial flexibility. By endogenously determining the credit limit, the interconnected economy proves to be more resilient during crises, experiencing smaller increases in default risk (NBFs), milder declines in asset prices (4% vs. 7%), and supporting more safe assets. Policy experiments show that regulating bank off-balance sheet credit lines also reduces NBFs' loan-bearing capacity.

Behind Dollar Savings in Mutual Funds: Are Shifting Sands Threatening Financial Stability?

Bryan Gutierrez Cortez
University of Minnesota


I unveil the predominance of money market-like mutual funds as a source of dollar savings in emerging markets and explore its consequences for financial stability. Using Peruvian data, I find that households significantly save dollars in mutual funds specialized in deposit investments, especially in foreign banks. This choice enables them to earn higher returns compared to saving in domestic banks. I associate this excess return to the ability of mutual funds to break the traditional market segmentation of dollar deposits. I identify a trade-off regarding the effects on financial stability. On one side, the financial system is less exposed to exchange rate risk as a sizable share of dollar savings is invested abroad. On the other side, mutual funds become significant term deposit holders in domestic banks, which makes banks prone to withdrawals. After a meaningful mutual fund redemption, banks substantially financed by mutual funds increased their loan rates and sold their dollar securities.

Betting Against Others' Beta

Xi Dong
CUNY-Baruch College
Massimo Massa
Zilong Niu
Southwestern University of Finance and Economics
Cathy Yuqing Yang
CUNY-Baruch College


This study examines the asset pricing implications of foreign ownership in equity markets, focusing on the diversification demands of international investors. Using revealed preference, by decomposing fund performance into the home and world components, we find that international investors’ flows respond strongly to the world component, while not responsive to the home component, indicating a strong diversification demand. Funds that provide diversification benefits consistently exhibit lower alpha, tilting their portfolio towards stocks with a higher world and lower home beta. Among stocks with foreign ownership in the U.S. and international regions, a long-short strategy on positive world beta spreads yields significantly negative alpha. These findings underscore the influence of international investors' diversification demands on asset pricing.

Big Data and Bigger Firms: A Labor Market Channel

Abhinav Gupta
University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
Naman Nishesh
University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
Elena Simintzi
University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill


This paper investigates the impact of individual-level output data on labor redistribution towards large firms by analyzing the disclosure of employee output information through GitHub, the world's largest software management platform. GitHub tracks and publicly displays real-time individual contributions. In 2016, a policy change enabled GitHub users to display their total contributions more accurately on their profiles. Following this update, employees with 1 standard deviation higher GitHub contributions witnessed a 5% increase in job transitions to large firms, predominantly at the expense of smaller companies. While productive individuals left small firms for senior roles in larger companies, the latter retained them through internal promotions. The departure of productive workers led to an overall reduction in employment growth and productivity for small firms with more productive employees before the shock. Our findings highlight labor-related big data's role in amplifying large firms' dominance in recent years.

Branching Out: The Role of Selection in Bank Branch Entry and Economic Growth

Anthony Zdrojewski
Rice University


"I study the relationship between bank branch entry and local economic growth
by exploiting variation in completion across planned branches. Areas where a
branch was planned but withdrawn exhibit higher growth in light emissions, an
economic proxy, compared to similar areas (selection effect). However, locations
where a branch was opened do not significantly outgrow locations where a branch
was planned but withdrawn (treatment effect). Using zip code level business formations or SBA-7a loan amounts as outcome variables yields similar results. Selection effects outweigh treatment effects by a factor of between six to twenty-five. These findings challenge previous studies reporting positive treatment effects of bank branches, and instead emphasize banks’ skill in selecting locations poised for growth."

Breaking Network Barriers in the Era of Data-Driven Venture Capitalists

Melissa Crumling
Drexel University


Information frictions in financial decision-making are particularly salient in the venture capital (VC) industry, where VCs traditionally rely on professional networks to identify potential investment opportunities. Over the past decade, however, VCs have increasingly adopted digital data and machine learning techniques to inform their investment decisions, marking a significant shift from traditional methods. I posit that these technologies, capable of identifying all startups with a digital presence, reduce information frictions in identifying promising ventures. Using the geographic concentration of the VC industry as my empirical setting, I find that VCs are more likely to invest outside traditional VC hubs after adopting data technologies. Moreover, these investments are more likely to exit through an IPO or achieve unicorn status than their counterparts in established hubs. Additionally, data technologies help locate startups in areas outside major hubs with increasing entrepreneurial activity, which subsequently experience growth in VC activity. These findings highlight the benefits of using data technologies to identify promising ventures, benefiting both investors and emerging VC markets.

Campaign Rallies, Perceived Uncertainty, and Household Borrowing

Shiwei Ye
Erasmus University


This paper examines how political compaigns during the 2016 U.S. presidential election influences perceptions of economic uncertainty and subsequent household financial behaviors. Using a difference-in-differences approach, I show that Clinton's rallies reduced perceived economic uncertainty, particularly macro uncertainty. Moreover, areas hosting rallies showed an increase in P2P and mortgage loan applications after Clinton's visits, aligning with life-cycle models with precautionary motives. Effects are stronger in areas having higher initial level of economic uncertainty. In contrast, Trump's rallies did not significantly influence uncertainty perceptions or borrowing decisions. These findings shed light on a novel channel through which campaign information shapes real financial decisions, with effects contingent on the candidate involved.

CEO’s Political Contribution and Rewards - Lei Chen - University of Melbourne

Lei Chen
University of Melbourne


Existing literature on company political connections often proxies these connections solely by company PAC contributions, overlooking the CEO’s political contributions. This assumes that the CEO’s contributions are driven by ideology and are not expected to generate benefits. This paper challenges that perspective, seeking to unravel the economic outcomes of the CEO’s political contributions. Using various measures of CEO contributions, this study finds that CEO contributions significantly enhance a firm’s procurement contracts, after controlling for other firm political connections. Additionally, CEOs with substantial political contributions tend to secure better contract terms and experience improved firm investment and market value. CEO political contributions thus emerge as a key channel for firms to engage in political activities, especially for those without PACs.

A new safe asset in euros? Not without a large investor base

Giovanni Bonfanti
Columbia University


I show that when governments borrow in euros through entities that are not formally sovereigns (such as supranationals) they all pay a common interest rate regardless of default risk, market size, or liquidity. This rate is significantly higher than for sovereign debt and more exposed to expectations about monetary policy. I develop a model consistent with these facts by exploring the role of investment mandates that reduce the size of potential investors in supranationals relative to equally safe governments. The smaller size of potential buyers translates into lower expected liquidity during crises such that supranationals must pay a premium even during normal times. This mechanism is driven by investors with potential liquidity needs during crises such as mutual funds. Expectations about asset purchases during crises, which I call conditional QE, can significantly compress this premium even if they are not targeted.

Corporate Agility and Monetary Policy Transmission

Sinh Thoi Mai
Hanken School of Economics
Gonul Colak
University of Sussex and Hanken School of Economics


Corporate agility –ability to respond quickly and effectively to changing business environment– is crucial for firms’ success. While important, this concept is difficult to measure and use in quantitative research. By applying machine learning techniques, we develop a reliable measure of agility, and we analyse how agile firms manage exposure to monetary policy uncertainty, which is a significant and frequently occurring form of threat. Agile firms’ stocks are exposed significantly less to this uncertainty as they proactively apply risk management techniques to reduce their exposure. This has real consequences: agile firm’s investments get affected less by monetary policy tightening episodes.

Corporate Debt Maturity and Output Price Dynamics

Minseog Kim
University of Texas-Austin
Geunyong Park
National University of Singapore


"This paper examines firms’ optimal choices of debt maturity and their influences on
pricing behaviors. To explore the link between firms’ debt maturity structures and pricing behavior, we leverage both a credit supply shock and a monetary policy shock. Using novel datasets, we present new evidence demonstrating that a heightened level of short-term debt ratio leads to sharp increases in firms’ output prices. The observed connection between short-term debt ratio and pricing behavior suggests that firms strategically sought to increase revenue to mitigate rollover risk when facing imminent debt repayment. Overall, our analysis highlights the important role played by debt maturity as a determinant influencing firms’ pricing decisions."

Corporate Finance with Asset Demand

Hulai Zhang
ESCP Business School


Investor demand for corporate bond and equity affects firms' financial and investment decisions. I develop a dynamic investment model with endogenous financing constraints in which differential bond demand and equity demand contribute to the firm's choice between bond and equity financing. Combining demand system asset pricing and dynamic investment models, I quantify the effects of asset demand on firms' leverage and real investment. Variations in asset demand generate capital misallocation; nevertheless, bond demand ameliorates capital misallocation when it does not fully coincide with equity demand. Applying this framework to study the impact of sustainable investing, I find that sustainable investing reduces leverage and increases real investment of sustainable firms.

Data Breach Information, Hospital Financing, and Patient Outcomes

Banks Osborne
University of Tennessee-Knoxville


I examine the costs and real effects of medical data breaches using a stacked difference-in-differences research design. I find that data breaches increase the cost of healthcare financing and examine three mechanisms that link data breaches to increased costs. Data breaches increase issuer credit risk, and hacks, specifically, decrease hospital revenues because patients substitute breached hospital services for the services of non-breached hospitals nearby. This substitution does not hurt the patients of breached hospitals but leads to worse outcomes for patients of nearby hospitals. Interestingly, although only hacks have an impact on hospital revenues, investors do not require an incremental premium for investing in bonds of hacked issuers. Lastly, I find evidence that the pricing of breached bonds is influenced by investor attention towards breaches. Altogether, my results suggest that investors are potentially uninformed regarding the nuances of different types of breaches and how the market responds to breaches may not necessarily reflect how the events actually affect breached entities.

Decentralized and Centralized Options Trading: A Risk Premia Perspective

Andrea Andolfatto
Bocconi University
Lorenzo Schoenleber
Collegio Carlo Alberto
Siddharth Naik
Independent Researcher


On-Chain options refer to option contracts, that are traded directly on a Decentralized Exchange on the Ethereum blockchain. We explain the functioning of this new market form, so-called automated market making for options trading, and report a novel set of stylized facts. We provide a comprehensive analysis of On-Chain options and compare their attributes to their Off-Chain counterparts on centralized exchanges. We identify an On-Chain risk premium stemming from the positive disparity in implied volatility between On-Chain and Off-Chain options, attributing it to factors like the complex On-Chain fee structure, trading volume, and net demand pressure.

Demand-Based Expected Returns

Alessandro Crescini
Swiss Finance Institute - University of Geneva
Fabio Trojani
University of Geneva
Andrea Vedolin
Boston University


"This paper proposes a theoretical framework for recovering investors’ subjective
beliefs/expected returns using holdings data and option prices under the assumption
of no-arbitrage. We empirically document that the statistical properties of subjective
expected returns on the market differ wildly across investor type and depend crucially
on their portfolio composition. While expected returns estimated from price data alone
suggest that expected returns are highly volatile and countercyclical, including holdings
data can imply returns that are less volatile and procyclical. Using buy and sell orders on
S&P500 options, we show that the expected returns inferred from retail and institutional
investor beliefs increase in bad times when they become the net suppliers of crash
insurance in option markets, mirroring price-based estimates.Market makers’ expected
returns decrease during bad times when they become the net buyers of crash protection
when their constraints bind. Our findings are in line with the survey literature that
documents large heterogeneity in measures of expected returns."

Demonetized Q: Tobin Meets Jorgenson

Xinwei Li


I show that the interest rate has a moderating effect on the relation between Tobin’s Q and investment. Specifically, including the nominal fed funds rate in the classic investment-Q regression significantly improves the model fit. Equivalently, I construct a novel measure named "demonetized Q", that is, the residual from the projection of the Tobin’s Q onto the nominal interest rate. I show that demonetized Q possesses much higher explanatory power for aggregate investment, both in level and in changes and robust across subsamples. Furthermore, I show that demonetized Q captures unique information about investment that bond’s Q from Philippon (2009) does not have. In addition, demonetized Q exhibits significantly stronger return predictability than average Q. The nominal fed funds rate could potentially capture stochastic variations in financial conditions or financial constraints that act like "investment wedges" in the sense of Chari, Kehoe, and McGrattan (2007) or "supply shocks" in the framework of Li and Liu (2023).

Dilutive Financing

Hanjoon Ryu
Duke University


This paper builds a dynamic model of corporate financing where financial slack arises from bargaining. When financiers with bargaining power extract rent from cash-strapped firms, firms—despite the absence of fixed transaction costs or search frictions—finance in lumps to bargain infrequently, and also typically before exhausting internal funds to strengthen outside option. Continuation value directly amplifies rent, rationalizing large cash-holdings by ‘growth’ firms. Firms with robust financing access maintain internal funding capacities that substantially exceed their investment needs, whereas firms relying on concentrated financiers may externally finance investment despite having sufficient funds yet forgo investment with even more funds.

Why Do Firms Pay More for Bank Loans? The Role of Renegotiation

Zhuolu Gao
Copenhagen Business School


Firms borrowing from both banks and the corporate bond market pay a substantial premium on bank loans, raising questions about firms’ bargaining power and banks’ competition. In this paper, I show that a large portion of this premium compensates banks for facilitating out-of-court restructurings. I estimate the loan premium and use a 2014 U.S. court ruling, which impeded out-of-court restructurings, as a natural experiment. Following the ruling, affected firms experienced an 80–90 bps reduction in the loan premium, due to reduced restructuring opportunities and a diminished potential to avoid bankruptcy costs. These findings suggest that the renegotiation flexibility provided by banks is a key driver of the loan premium, highlighting the unique value that bank lending offers beyond the capital market.

Disruptive Innovation and IPO Outcomes: Evidence from Machine Learning

Hoang Nguyen
University of Alabama
Anup Agrawal
University of Alabama


We develop a new text-based measure of a firm’s engagement in disruptive innovation that does not require data on R&D or patents. We compute a disruptive innovation score (DIS) for firms doing IPOs using textual analysis of prospectuses and a semi-supervised machine learning method. DIS strongly and positively predicts firms’ pre-IPO observable innovation activities, which validates our measure. We find that DIS positively predicts IPO outcomes such as initial return, trading volume, bid-ask spread, and price revision, consistent with disruptive innovation entailing high uncertainty and information asymmetry. These results are robust to a variety of controls, a propensity score matching approach, and the exclusion of technology stocks, the technology bubble period and the financial crisis period. DIS positively predicts one-year post-IPO abnormal return, and the initial returns of high DIS IPOs do not reverse over the next year, contradicting the hype hypothesis about technology stocks. Finally, DIS predicts post-IPO firm policies (such as lower leverage, higher cash holdings, and higher innovation activities) and higher firm valuation. Overall, our findings imply that disruptive innovation is not only a risky but also valuable activity for firms, and our text-based DIS measure captures disruptive innovation activities of IPO firms beyond R&D and patenting.

Do ESG Investors Care About Carbon Emissions? Evidence From Securitized Auto Loans

Christian Kontz
Stanford University


Securitized auto loans present a unique setting to measure the effects of ESG investing. I find that the ESG convenience yield almost quadrupled from 0.12% in 2017 to 0.46% in 2022. Consumers financing vehicles with loans from captive lenders benefit from the ESG convenience yield through lower borrowing costs. ESG mutual funds allocate more capital to securitizations from issuers with high ESG scores even if the securitizations finance high-emissions vehicles. The focus on ESG scores, rather than CO2, lowers the cost of capital for high-emissions vehicles. The findings suggest that ESG investing affects real quantities but does not raise the cost of CO2 emissions.

Does Options Trading Matter for Risk Management? Insights from the 1936 Options Ban on US Futures Markets

Elissa Iorgulescu
University of Hohenheim
Fiona Höllmann
University of Münster


Commodity options provide a useful tool for farmers to hedge against adverse price movements, but they can also be used as a tool for speculation, potentially increasing market volatility. This paper examines the effects of a 1936 ban on commodity options trading on both hedging effectiveness and price volatility, using newly collected data for Chicago and London futures markets and a difference-in-differences approach that exploits the fact that commodity options were banned in US but not in the UK. We find that in the short term, the volatility of grain futures prices in Chicago increased significantly post-ban. In the long term, our findings suggest that the ban decreased volatility by a significant margin, driven by the fact that there was no repeat of the severe manipulation of wheat markets that had occurred in 1933. However, this came at the cost of a reduction in hedging effectiveness in US grain futures markets.

Does Sustainable Investing Dull Stock Reactions to Cash Flow News?

Steffen Hitzemann
University of Houston
An Qin
Rutgers University
Andrea G Tamoni
University of Notre Dame
Stanislav Sokolinski
Michigan State University


"The growing importance of sustainability criteria for investment decisions suggests that cash-flow news may become less significant in determining stock prices. We examine this proposition through earnings announcements, showing that stocks owned by sustainable investors are 45%–58% less sensitive to earnings news. This reduced sensitivity is accompanied by lower trading volume and persists post-announcement, indicating a lasting impact on price formation rather than temporary
mispricing. We investigate the reasons behind the weaker earnings response and find that it cannot be explained by differences in earnings news content, market anticipation, or ownership by other investor types. Calibrating a flexible present value framework reveals that lower earnings persistence in high-sustainable-ownership stocks accounts for a large part of the effect. However, our analysis
also implies a 1%–3% reduced discount rate for stocks with high sustainable ownership in order to fully align the model-implied price response with the observed data."

Innovative Intangible Assets in M&As: The Impact of Radical and Incremental Innovations on Acquirer Firms

Daria Davydova
EPFL & Swiss Finance Institute


In mergers and acquisitions, the acquirer must value the target’s innovative intangible assets
at deal closure and disclose them to investors. I build a novel database and classify these assets, which include patents as well as other technological innovations, into two categories. Radical innovations represent breakthrough technologies, and incremental innovations build on existing technologies. My empirical findings indicate that both radical and incremental innovations are valuable for acquiring firms. Acquired incremental innovations are associated with cost reductions, while acquired radical innovations contribute to future patents. The market however appears to discount the value of acquired innovations at the deal announcement date.

Dynamic Market Choice

Xian Wu
University of Wisconsin-Madison


In practice, we find assets traded in the transparent centralized market and opaque decentralized market. To explain the traders' choices of venues, we develop a model of dynamic learning and dynamic market choices between the centralized market and decentralized markets. With heterogeneous trader value correlations, we find that when asset sensitivity or volatility is sufficiently low, traders prefer the decentralized market; when asset sensitivity or volatility is intermediate, switching between centralized and decentralized markets can be the optimal market choice; when asset values are sensitive to volatile fundamentals, assets are traded only in the centralized market. We provide empirical evidence in support of the model predictions. We discussed the welfare implications of various market designs under endogenous market choices. We find that introducing post-trade transparency in the decentralized market improves welfare. Surprisingly, introducing pre-trade transparency in the decentralized market may decrease welfare as it increases traders' incentives to choose a decentralized market earlier and hurts future traders in the centralized market.

Network through Social Media Connections

Huaixin Wang
Tsinghua University
Weichen Zhang
Tsinghua University


Using text data from the Reddit platform, we construct inter-firm linkages based on shared threads and shared authors within social media. We find that firms linked via social media exhibit correlated fundamentals across various characteristics. The returns of Reddit peer stocks positively predict focal stocks’ future returns, suggesting sluggish dissemination of latent information within the social media network. This lead-lag effect is also robust to controlling for other firm characteristics and alternative inter-firm connections. Our findings suggest that social media activities contain collective perceptions of connectedness between firms, thereby providing an implicit representation of the financial network.

Empirical Asset Pricing with Probability Forecasts

Songrun He
Washington University in St. Louis
Linying Lyu
Zhejiang University
Guofu Zhou
Washington University in St. Louis


We study probability forecasts in the context of cross-sectional asset pricing with a large number of firm characteristics. Empirically, we find that a simple probability forecast model can surprisingly perform as well as a sophisticated probability forecast model, delivering long-short portfolios whose Sharpe ratios are comparable to those of widely used return forecasts. Moreover, we show that combining probability forecasts with return forecasts yields superior portfolio performance versus using each type of forecast individually. Additionally, probability forecasts augment existing factor models and significantly improve tail risk forecasts. These results underscore the unique and valuable insights probability forecasts offer in understanding the cross-section of stock returns.

Entrepreneur Experience and Success: Causal Evidence from Immigration Wait Lines

Abhinav Gupta
University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
Franklin Qian
University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
Yifan Sun
University of Pennsylvania


This paper investigates the causal impact of entrepreneurs' prior experience on startup success. Employing within-country changes in Green Card wait lines to instrument for immigrant first-time entrepreneurs' experience, we uncover that startups led by more experienced founders demonstrate superior funding, patenting, and employee growth. Specifically, each additional year of founder experience leads to a 0.7 p.p. (1 p.p.) increase in the likelihood of a startup undergoing an IPO (growing to over 1000 employees), over the subsequent decade. The larger initial team size, facilitated by the improved ability to recruit former colleagues, explains the observed startup success. Our findings imply that each extra year of experience is worth $200,000, underscoring a critical consideration for policymakers in the design of startup incubators.

Monetary Transmission in Equity Markets: Evidence from Financial Intermediaries

Pranav Garg
Yale University
Matthew Famiglietti
Yale University


We develop a novel theoretical framework and provide direct empirical evidence of equity flows across financial intermediaries due to monetary policy. We build an intermediary asset pricing model where a household delegates wealth between a bank and a mutual fund, who then invest in equity and bond markets. The model predicts that contractionary monetary policy triggers equity outflows from mutual funds, amplifying asset price declines due to investors’ sensitivity to past returns. Equity outflows are absorbed by banks that demand a premium for market making. Moreover, mutual funds with more return-sensitive investors experience larger outflows, while stocks owned by such investors exhibit greater price declines. Using institutional portfolio holdings data over three decades, we confirm these predictions. Our work unearths the underlying trades that result in price movements in response to monetary policy shocks, which is a well documented result, and provides a novel channel through which monetary policy interacts with financial markets.

Expansion of Deposit Insurance: Adverse Selection Following 2023 Banking Crises

David Huberdeau-Reid
University of Memphis
George Pennacchi
University of Illinois


"We examine whether banks whose uninsured deposits were subject to greater risk of loss prior to
the March 2023 banking crisis used institutional mechanisms to expand their deposit insurance
coverage after the crisis. Based on a sample of almost 4,600 U.S. banks, we construct bank-level
measures of pre-crisis uninsured depositor risk using bank financial statements, unrealized security
losses, and estimates of unrealized loan losses due to interest rate risk. We then analyze whether
riskier banks sought higher post-crisis insured deposits using reciprocal deposits networks, insured
deposit sweep programs, fully-insured brokered deposits, and listing service deposits. We find that
riskier banks tended to employ reciprocal and sweep deposits, but not brokered or listing service
deposits, at greater rates relative to their lower risk peers. Reciprocal deposits were the favored
avenue of risky midsized (regional) banks while they and risky large banks also attracted more
insured sweep deposits. Overall, our results are indicative of adverse selection in the post-crisis
expansion of federal deposit insurance."

External Governance Responses to Major Environmental and Social Incidents

Annie Deng
University of New South Wales
Ronald Masulis
University of New South Wales
Kingsley Fong
University of New South Wales


We explore shareholder responses at the next director election following a firm's recent major environmental and social (ES) incidents. Our findings reveal that incumbent directors experience lower shareholder approval rates following major ES incidents. Dissenting director votes increase when ES incidents are financially material and unexpected. Post-ES incidents, female directors lose more support from shareholders, while membership in no board committee stands out in terms of receiving increased dissenting votes. Boards are more likely to respond to negative shareholder votes following major ES incidents by linking executive pay to short-term (but not long-term) sustainability goals. We find no evidence that increasing dissenting votes leads to improved long-term ES policies. This finding may underscore the necessity of establishing guidelines to clarify board accountability for sustainability practice. Institutional investors should consider providing more comprehensive rationales for their director voting decisions, so as to facilitate significant improvements in firms' sustainability practices.

Financial Health Scoring and Personal Finances

Moritz Nardini
Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich (LMU)
Emanuel Renkl
Technical University of Munich
Philipp Winder
University of St. Gallen
Christian Hildebrand
University of St. Gallen
Benjamin Loos
University of New South Wales


We investigate the effect of disclosing the financial well-being score from the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau on consumer financial behavior in an online experiment with American participants sourced through Prolific. We find that solely providing the score to participants does not influence their financial behavior as measured by risk taking or the marginal propensity to save. However, adding information on the national average significantly decreases risk taking and significantly increases the marginal propensity to save. In contrast, solely providing the score significantly decreases perceived financial security. Adding the national average mitigates this effect. Given their increasing promotion, distribution, and accessibility exploring the effects of financial well-being scores on consumer finances is highly relevant to policymakers, industry, and consumers. With our experiment we provide novel evidence on the effects of disclosing such information and add to the increasing literature on peer effects in consumer finance.

From Preference to Influence: The Economics of Activist Investing

Yang Guo
London School of Economics and Political Science


When market solutions fail to achieve socially optimal kinds and quantities of commodities, financial intermediation can serve as a platform to enhance welfare for investors with consumption preferences. This paper develops a model where an investor trades off between index and activist funds, balancing financial returns with the ability to influence portfolio firms. The analysis shows that activist funds, through conditional contracts designed to shape firm behaviour while maximizing revenue, can improve social welfare. Under specific conditions, welfare can even be restored to socially optimal levels.

Firm-Level Labor-Shortage Exposure

Jarrad Harford
University of Washington
Qiyang He
University of Sydney
Buhui Qiu
University of Sydney


We use FinBERT to extract information from earnings conference call transcripts to develop a novel and reliable measure of labor shortage exposure. We demonstrate the validity of our measure by showing that states with higher levels of labor-shortage exposure experience lower future unemployment rates but higher wage growth and local labor market tightness, while firms with higher labor-shortage exposure have greater growth in future per-employee staff expenses. Firms with labor-shortage exposures experience lower earnings call CARs, future stock returns and operating performance. Firms respond to labor shortages by substituting labor with capital and R&D investments, and by producing more production-process patents. Such measures mitigate the negative effects on future performance. Our results demonstrate a fruitful application of machine learning to finance and provide insight into labor-capital substitution in response to increasingly expensive and scarce labor.

From Availability to Affordability: The Role of Small Dollar Mortgage in Cash vs. Mortgage Property Price Disparities

Liu Ee Chia
Pennsylvania State University
Brent Ambrose
Pennsylvania State University


Following the Global Financial Crisis (GFC), the US housing market experienced an increase in all-cash transactions among low-cost properties, and higher cash discounts for these transactions. We highlight the attendant decline in small-dollar mortgage lending as a causal mechanism. Using the expansion of enforcement actions on mortgage fraud post-GFC as an instrument for local small credit supply, we find that a one-percentage-point decrease in small loan approvals increases cash discounts by 8.4%. The impact is larger in low-cost houses and disadvantaged communities. The results point to the cause for the observed overall decrease in relative prices for low-cost houses, highlighting the importance of small loan availability for wealth-building through homeownership among lower-income households.

Funding Frictions and Credit Supply: Evidence from Savings and Loan Associations

Pauline Liang
Stanford University


"Deposits are the cheapest source of funding for financial intermediaries. How
do funding frictions curtail credit supply in the economy? I leverage a unique setting
where deposit rate ceilings reduced inflow of deposits at financial intermediaries from
1960s–1980s. Using financial report data from savings and loan associations (S&Ls)
and banks, I develop a novel method to measure the binding constraints of deposit
interest rate ceilings. My findings document that deposit rate ceilings induced downward
shifts in credit supply in the mortgage market. A 100-basis-point increase in the
binding constraint of deposit rate ceilings is associated with 8.22% annualized decline
in mortgage growth among S&Ls. This is in contrast to commercial banks which experienced
smaller contraction in mortgage lending due to access to alternative funding."

Capital Structure and Employee Consumption

Miguel Oliveira
Nova School of Business and Economics


I show that firm capital structure can affect employee consumption and saving decisions using a new matched employer-employee data set from Portugal. Specifically, employees of highly leveraged firms exhibit lower marginal propensities to consume, particularly in non-essential goods and services. This effect cannot be attributed to a wage premium in these firms. I identify these effects by exploiting negative industry-wide shocks. I rationalize the findings using a Diamond-Mortensen-Pissarides matching model, where heterogeneous risk-averse employees bargain with heterogeneous employers to determine wages. Consistent with the model, low-wealth individuals are most affected due to their relatively higher unemployment costs. My results suggest that financial distress costs are partially shifted to employees.

Homeowners Responses to the New Price of Flood Insurance

Jiyoung Lee
Temple University


As climate risks intensify, the low demand for flood insurance has been a significant public policy concern. This study examines the demand for residential flood insurance following the implementation of a reform that adjusts pricing to more accurately reflect flood risk. Using a difference-in-differences analysis, we evaluate the impact of this pricing reform on flood insurance take-up rates. On average, a 1% increase in premiums reduces insurance take-up by 19%. We find that policyholders who experienced premium changes are more responsive in their take-up than those who did not. Lack of effect on renewal rates in high-risk areas may be attributed to mandatory insurance requirements. Renewal rates in low-risk areas are more responsive to premium changes than in high-risk areas. One explanation could be that policyholders rely on outdated risk information when making renewal decisions. These insights into the price sensitivity of homeowners help better understand how to improve pricing strategies and maintain equity and accessibility in the flood insurance program, potentially encouraging higher participation.

Climate Change and Bank Lending: Evidence from Physical and Transition Risks

Jinhong Wu
Copenhagen Business School


This study examines how firms' exposure to climate-related physical and transition risks affects bank credit allocation. Utilizing novel, granular measures for both types of risks, merged with firm-bank matched Danish register data, I find that banks modestly reduce credit growth to firms with higher physical and transition risks. A one standard deviation increase in each type of risk results in a 1%-2% reduction in loan growth, representing about an 8%-16% deviation from the mean. These effects are most pronounced among constrained firms (e.g., small or highly leveraged) and are concentrated within banks with high exposure to risk and repeat lending relationships. Additionally, the evidence suggests that more credit is allocated to risky but “greening” firms. Finally, these patterns are likely driven by the supply side, partly due to credit risk concerns.

How Do ETFs Affect Stock Volatility?

Chen Lin
University of Mannheim


"I reconcile evidence in the debate on whether ETFs amplify the non-fundamental volatility of assets in ETF portfolios, by positing that heterogeneous ETFs collectively affect underlying assets through an arbitrage mechanism and a market making mechanism. Using U.S. equity ETF data, I differentiate between these two mechanisms by analyzing ETF ownership and secondary market trading. My findings reveal that seemingly contradictory evidence supporting both mechanisms co-existing, with the net effect of a new ETF modestly increasing underlying stock daily volatility by up to 2 basis points."

How Does VC Activism Backfire in Startup Experimentation?

Xuelin Li
Columbia University
Sijie Wang
Chinese University of Hong Kong-Shenzhen
Jiajie Xu
University of Iowa
Xiang Zheng
University of Connecticut


We utilize granular data from the life science sector to study how VC activism affects strategic experimentation decisions. We show that pipeline prioritization, deciding the timing and selection of projects to advance, is prevalent in startup growth. Despite more interactions from smaller and more focused VCs, biotech startups invested by them are less likely to exit via IPOs. Consistent with such activism prematurely prioritizing the research pipeline, startups backed by concentrated VCs exhibit slower progress in clinical trials and tend to discontinue projects due to pipeline priority rather than financial and quality reasons. For identification, we use limited partners' adoption of ESG objectives as instruments for affected VCs' portfolio attention. Lastly, we highlight conflicting experimentation preferences between general partners and founding teams due to investment horizon and portfolio cannibalization.

Impact of Culture in Peer to Peer Lending

hongju ren
Stevens Institute of Technology
Anand M. Goel
Stevens Institute of Technology


We document that culture and cultural perception both influence financial decisions.
We examine the impact of clan culture, an important dimension of Chinese culture, on
individual lending behavior. Using data from RenRenDai, a leading peer-to-peer lending
platform in China, we find that borrowers from regions with higher clan culture are more
likely to get loans funded, attract larger bids from lenders, get loans funded faster, are
less likely to default, and repay a larger fraction of their loans. These effects are more
pronounced when borrowers are riskier, there is greater information asymmetry, and the
legal environment is weaker. These results are robust to potential endogeneity concerns and
to alternative measures of clan culture. We show that clan culture acts as a substitute for
formal institutional mechanisms and participants in the peer-to-peer market use information
about clan culture as a proxy for economic factors. We find that lenders react rationally to
culture as a signal of creditworthiness, neither underreacting nor overreacting. Our results
suggest that cultural considerations improve the efficiency of financial decisions

Impact of Institutional Owners on Housing Markets

Zipei Zhu
University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
Franklin Qian
University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
Caitlin Gorback
University of Texas-Austin


Since the Great Recession, the rise of single-family rental companies has changed the investor ownership landscape in the U.S. Using housing transaction data, we document the rise of Long Term Rental (LTR) companies, defined as inclusive of single-family rental, rent-to-own, and real estate private equity firms, by constructing a panel of national single-family housing portfolios between 2010 and 2022. We show that LTR growth outstripped all other investor types, such as builders, iBuyers, and small investors, over the last decade. These companies geographically concentrate their holdings in select census tracts and expand their local market shares over time. To estimate LTRs’ impacts on local housing markets, we construct a novel instrument predicting LTR entry, which we name the ``suitability index." In the cross-section, this instrument leverages differential revealed preferences in product characteristics across landlord types. In the time-series, we interact these differential product preferences with a proxy for falling property management costs over time. In the first stage, more suitable locations for LTRs experience higher growth in LTR shares: a one-standard-deviation increase in the instrument implies a 23% higher annual growth in LTR share relative to the baseline mean. We use this instrument for LTR market entry to estimate the causal impact of LTR market share on local house prices. We find that a one-standard-deviation above the mean increase in LTR share growth leads to an annual additional house price growth of 2.11pp and additional rent growth of 2.19pp. Finally, we discuss how the reallocation of homeownership across small and large landlords, as well as owner-occupants and investors, contribute to these price increases.

Inattention to the Coming Storm? Rising Seas and Sovereign Credit Risk

Atreya Dey
University of Edinburgh


This study examines whether the sovereign credit market integrates information on coastal flooding and sea level rise (SLR) hazards. Using credit default swap spreads as measures of credit quality, I find that medium- to long-term risk for sovereigns with a significant portion of their population vulnerable to ex-ante coastal flooding increases in response to climate summit news. Additionally, I document that the market asynchronously incorporates changing vulnerabilities of regions into its risk assessment with such news. In- and out-of-sample predictability tests suggest that the market lags in integrating adverse trends in exposure under projections of SLR and population growth, indicating a lack of attention to complex climate information. Finally, I demonstrate that these projections have historically been inaccurate, leading to mispricing.

Increased Creditor Protection and Trade Credit: Evidence from India

Khushboo Thakkar
University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill


Trade credit provides customers the flexibility to procure goods from their suppliers without immediate cash payment, serving as a fundamental form of short-term financing. If creditors are granted increased legal protection when a customer defaults, does the availability of trade credit increase or decrease? This is an important consideration since creditor rights can influence both the supply and demand of credit. This paper investigates this conundrum by leveraging a recent bankruptcy reform in India which increased legal protection of creditors. In a difference-in-differences setting, I find an uptick in the trade credit usage of firms closer to default. This effect is concentrated in small firms with limited growth prospects, poor working capital management and operating in industries with less reliance on inputs from other industries. However, this increase in trade credit usage among the less efficient subset of distressed firms is not accompanied by an offset in their profitability. These results underscore the importance of strong creditor rights in sustaining financially vulnerable firms, essential for economic resilience in developing economies.

The inequality channel behind the rise of market-based finance

Dario Laudati
Columbia University


"This paper studies the causes behind the rise of the financial sector observed in the United
States from the 1980s. The growth of the financial sector is seen from the perspective of an
endogenous rise of non-bank financial institutions (shadow banking sector). The shadow
banking sector rises as a result of a domestic safe asset shortage. An increase in wealth
inequality induces a higher amount of savings to invest in the hands of the wealthier households
– the investors. Investors need to allocate their holdings between risky and safe assets.
Given a constrained supply of public safe assets, real interest rates decline to accommodate
the larger demand. A compression of the real interest rates reduces the costs of issuing debt
for the poorer households, and represents the incentive for the shadow banking system to
step in by transforming the debt of the poorer households into the private safe assets that
the investors demand. The model allows for an endogenous and non-mechanical feedback
loop between inequality and finance. The primitive increase in wealth inequality is obtained
through non-trivial dynamics generated by an exogenous decline in the labor share. The financial
sector rises in size and changes in structure as a result of secular macroeconomic
forces. The paper is quantitative in spirit with a few empirical exercises which corroborate
the model predictions."

Inflation Shocks and Firm-level Resilience: The Role of Pricing Power

Amra Hrustanovic
University of Zurich
Alexander Wagner
University of Zurich


While stocks are theoretically expected to hedge against inflation, average resilience against inflation is weaker than predicted. We show theoretically and empirically that firms' net pricing power--toward both customers and key stakeholders like employees--is a critical factor in this relationship. Firms with above-median pricing power experience a one-quarter less negative market reaction to inflation shocks. Their free cash flows are more resilient, though analysts do not revise forecasts accordingly. Investors apply lower discount rates to these firms, indicating that they perceive them as less risky. A trading strategy on pricing power and inflation yields a significant FF3-alpha of 1.2%.

Information Partitioning, Learning, and Beliefs

Pascal Kieren
Heidelberg University
Lukas Mertes
University of Mannheim
Martin Weber
University of Mannheim


We experimentally study how information partitioning affects learning and beliefs. Holding the informational content constant, we show that observing small pieces of information at higher frequency (narrow brackets) causes beliefs to become overly sensitive to recent signals compared to observing larger pieces of information at lower frequency (broad brackets). As a result, partitioning information in narrow or broad brackets causally affects judgements. Observing information in narrow brackets leads to less accurate beliefs and to worse recall than observing information in broad brackets. As mechanism, we provide direct evidence that partitioning information into narrower brackets shifts attention from the macro-level to the micro-level, which leads people to overweight recent signals when forming beliefs.

Insurance Companies, Asset Managers and Economies of scale

Pietro Bini
Cornell University


External advisers are increasingly common in the insurance sector, with BlackRock Financial Management Inc. being the most prominent, advising over 47 life insurers in the past six years. This study explores the implications of insurers relying on the same external adviser, particularly in terms of portfolio similarity among insurers. Using cosine measures, I find that insurers with the same advisors have portfolios that are three times more similar compared to those of unrelated insurers. Similar trends are observed between insurers and corporate bond mutual funds managed by the same advisors. To address concerns about endogeneity, I further analyze the SMCCF (Secondary Market Corporate Credit Facility), also managed by BlackRock during the Covid-19 crisis. I show that the SMCCF portfolio is significantly more similar to the portfolios of insurers advised by BlackRock than to those of other insurers. The findings suggest that external advisors may leverage economies of scale by purchasing similar assets for their clients. Importantly, increasingly similar portfolios among insurers and between insurers and other investors raise important concerns about growing systemic risk in the insurance industry. [work in progress]

The Unintended Consequences of Intellectual Property Protection: Staying Private Longer

Adel Khusnulgatin
University of Toronto


This paper examines whether changes in the legal protection of intellectual property help explain why U.S. firms are choosing to stay private longer. Both the state-level adoption of the Uniform Trade Secret Act (UTSA) and the federal adoption of the Defend Trade Secret Act (DTSA) enhanced the legal protection of a specific type of intellectual property - trade secrets - confidential information that provides a firm with a competitive advantage. I demonstrate a surprising and unintended impact of these Acts: they lead firms to delay their IPOs. The staggered enhancement of state trade secret protections under the UTSA extended the period firms remained private by 13 to 16 months, accounting for up to one-third of the increased duration of firms staying private. Firms affected by the DTSA increased their private duration by at least 20 months. This occurred because the opportunity costs of going public and disclosing information, combined with the risk of public market underpricing, increased for firms with more valuable and numerous trade secrets. Since these legal protections are likely to be long-lasting and the relative importance of intangible capital continues to increase, these results suggest that the decline in public markets is likely to persist.

Intergenerational Effects of Debt Relief: Evidence from Bankruptcy Protection

Naser Hamdi
Ankit Kalda
Indiana University
Qianfan Wu
Indiana University


Using bankruptcy filing information on parents matched with administrative data on their children, along with judicial leniency as an instrumental variable, we examine the effect of parental bankruptcy protection on children’s income, intergenerational mobility, and homeownership. We find that children whose parents receive Chapter 13 bankruptcy protection experience a significant increase in lifetime income. For every dollar of debt relief granted, these children gain two dollars in adjusted present value of lifetime earnings. Furthermore, they are more likely to rank in the top tercile of the income distribution, driven by increased intergenerational upward mobility, and are over five percentage points more likely to own a home by age thirty. Our findings suggest that bankruptcy protection and debt relief play an important role in fostering intergenerational mobility for low-income distressed households. Our results are most consistent with three mechanisms: protection of assets (e.g., house), higher investment in children's education and skill-development, and avoiding forced geographic mobility. We do not find support for neighborhood effects driving our estimates.

Intergenerational Effects of Financial Crises. Evidence from the Panic of 1873

Harsha Dutta
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology


I investigate the long-term impacts of financial crises on the socioeconomic outcomes of households. My research focuses on the first 'Great Depression,' which began with the Panic of 1873 in the United States. Utilizing spatial variation in the crisis's severity and linked census and administrative records from 1870 to 2000, I trace the economic outcomes of descendants based on their ancestors' exposure levels to the crisis. The findings reveal that disparities between descendants have persisted across four generations. Descendants of ancestors who had higher exposure to the crisis exhibit lower levels of education, income, and wealth. These effects are particularly pronounced for descendants of ancestors in the bottom third of the wealth distribution. Household heads in the severely affected regions shifted to lower-skilled occupations and moved to more rural locations, thus limiting opportunities for future generations.

Interpreting Cross-Section Returns of Machine Learning Models: Firm Characteristics and Moderation Effect through LIME

Zequn Li
Stevens Institute of Technology
Xiaoxia Lou
University of Delaware
Ying Wu
Stevens Institute of Technology
Steve Yang
Stevens Institute of Technology


Our study introduces a novel framework to interpret machine learning asset pricing models through the Local Interpretable Model-agnostic Explanations (LIME) method. This methodology illuminates how the inclusion of LIME local coefficients, representing the interaction among characteristics within ML models, modifies the relationship between a firm characteristic and stock returns. The empirical results underscore the significance of incorporating moderation effects into portfolio analysis. Our results present that certain firm characteristics exhibit varying long-short portfolio performance across LIME groups, suggesting their predictive power is specific to certain asset segments. These findings deepen our understanding of the complexities in cross-sectional stock returns, uncovering the detailed dynamics between firm characteristics and their return effects, and distinguishing our research from existing studies.

Involuntary Disclosures through Climate Litigations: Impact on Investors and Corporate Policies

Alice Eliet-Doillet
EPFL & Swiss Finance Institute


"I study the role of involuntary disclosures in steering environmental governance.
Using a sample of climate litigations filed between 2012 and 2019, I examine whether these
litigations shed new light on defendant firms’ climate risks and whether this information
is relevant enough to trigger investors’ reactions and impact corporate policies. I find that
on average climate litigations have no significant effect on firm value or emissions, and
do not lead to divestments by green institutional investors. However, cases that attract
investors’ attention do lead to significant reductions in emissions for the defendant firms.
In contrast, I find little evidence that climate litigations contribute to self-disciplining
effects on non-targeted peer companies."

Is the gig up? The impact of worker-status reclassification regulation on shareholder value

Amedeo De Cesari
University of Manchester
Marie Dutordoir
University of Manchester
Lingxiao Lynn Liu
University of Manchester
João Quariguasi Frota Neto
Alliance Manchester Business School


We examine the shareholder value effects of recent US and EU worker-status reclassification regulations (WSRR) requiring companies to classify gig economy workers as regular employees. Using a policy event study methodology on a global sample of gig economy companies, we document negative average stock price reactions to announcements of WSRR events. Stock price reactions are more favorable for gig economy companies with a higher ex ante financial flexibility and better labor conditions, suggesting shareholders anticipate WSRR to affect firms’ costs and reputation. Corroborating the shareholder expectations reflected in the event study results, difference-in-differences estimations indicate gig economy companies have higher costs, a higher leverage, worse credit ratings, and improved labor conditions following WSRR. Our findings, which withstand several robustness tests, highlight the existence of substantial economic benefits for gig economy companies of relying on precarious labor and inform the policy debate on worker-status legislation.

Judicial Selection and Production Efficiency: The Role of Campaign Finance

Mayur Choudhary
London Business School


This paper studies the effect of campaign finance on judicial selection and production efficiency. Using the Supreme Court's surprise verdict in the Citizens United v. FEC case in 2010, which generates exogenous variation in campaign finance laws, I document that the removal of such bans led to a 61% ($ 200,000) increase in the average electoral expenditure of judicial candidates and increased competition in State Supreme Court judge elections. The judicial bench also becomes populated with more business-friendly judges. State courts decide the majority of labor, contract, and administrative law disputes, and the State Supreme Court has the power to set legal precedents. Therefore, shifts in the judicial bench of the State Supreme Court affect the legal environment and the contracting choices of firms and labor. I document that labor productivity measured as value added per worker increased by 8 % in treated states with judicial elections. For sectors more reliant on contract enforcement, labor productivity is higher in states with judicial elections. Overall, removing constraints on electoral finance improves competition in judicial elections, the judicial bench becomes more business-friendly, and enhances production efficiency due to the alleviation of contract-enforcement frictions.

Learning from failure: The role of disclosure on innovation

Menghan Wang
University of Hong Kong


This paper examines how the disclosure of failure shapes innovation activities. Theoretically, mandatory failure disclosure can be socially beneficial through knowledge spillover, but privately costly due to the risk of information leakage. I study this question in the setting of clinical research, as it is one of the few areas where failure information is available. I exploit an expansion of mandatory disclosure requirements for clinical trial results as a positive shock to the availability of failure information. The number of new trials initiated increased following the policy change. The increase is driven by incremental innovations on existing drugs rather than developments of new drugs. Consistent with the knowledge spillover channel, trial sponsors benefit more in medical fields where they had less internal expertise prior to the policy change. Despite the proprietary costs for disclosing entities, my results support more mandatory failure disclosure, as the social benefits outweigh the costs.

Limit Order Clustering and Stock Price Movements

Xiao Zhang
University of Maryland


Stocks with prices slightly above round numbers (e.g., $6.1) tend to increase in the next period, while those slightly below (e.g., $5.9) tend to decrease. A long-short strategy based on daily closing prices yields a daily return of 24.6 basis points (or 61% per annum). This pattern is extremely robust across different stock price levels, sizes, liquidity, exchanges, sub-periods, intraday half-hour periods, and international samples. We demonstrate that an excessively large volume of limit orders, which tend to cluster at round numbers (e.g., $6.0), supports stocks with prices just above and resists those just below these round levels, resulting in differential subsequent price movements. Our findings highlight the profound impact of investors placing orders at psychologically appealing round numbers on random price movements and market efficiency.

Local, Regional, and Global Asset Pricing?

Joshua Traut
University of St. Gallen


"Uncovering the underlying structure of global factor returns and assessing whether assets are priced on a local, regional, or global level are important tasks to understand the dynamics of asset pricing.
I am the first to assess the regional extent of factor dynamics or the optimal level of aggregation by comprehensively analyzing factor dependencies in 35 countries. Following a data-driven approach I identify three-factor regions along geographical and economic lines. With regards to asset pricing, I grant novel insights that the performance of local asset pricing models is largely driven by the local market factor and that optimal models contain local, regional, and global factors, challenging current findings that local models perform best. The findings offer guidance for international asset pricing tests, deepen understanding of factor return dynamics, and provide evidence of the efficacy of global pricing models."

Market Concentration, Capital Misallocation, and Asset Pricing

Thu Nguyen
University of Amsterdam


Superstar firms, which dominate stock markets through their large size and high markups, can deter efficient capital allocation. This paper empirically studies the asset pricing implications of superstar firms through the channel of capital misallocation, measured as the cross-sectional dispersion in the marginal product of capital (MPK). I decompose this measure into misallocation (1) among superstars, (2) among other firms, and (3) between these two groups. I find that only shocks to the third component, termed the "MPK spread", are negatively priced in the cross-section of stock returns. Stocks negatively exposed to these shocks outperform stocks with positive exposure by 4.8% per year. In the long run, a higher MPK spread predicts lower economic growth and aggregate stock returns, while in the short run, it predicts lower innovation growth. Consistent with the ICAPM framework, capital misallocation between superstar and non-superstar firms is a key state variable, and its shocks capture a macroeconomic risk factor.

Market Fragmentation and Price Informativeness

Filipp Prokopev
University of Michigan


"I study the effect of market fragmentation on the informativeness of prices. On the
one hand, a higher degree of fragmentation may harm price informativeness because
it lowers expected gains from trade and disincentivizes information production. On
the other hand, it can benefit the aggregate informativeness since prices become less
correlated. I develop a tractable trading model with two markets and two competing
speculators who produce information about the fundamental value of a firm. The
principal-agent framework of Holmstrom and Tirole (1993) allows me to stress the link
between the informativeness of prices and the optimal managerial compensation"

Market vs Social norms: Evidence from ESG fund flows

Soohun Kim
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
Katie Moon
University of Colorado-Boulder
Jiyeon Seo
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology


Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) funds, designed to integrate nonfinancial considerations into investment strategies, can result in unintended consequences by additionally emphasizing their focus on financial performance. We employ innovative textual analysis methods on fund prospectuses to assess the degree of emphasis that funds place on ESG factors versus traditional financial returns. Our analysis uncovers a noteworthy phenomenon within ESG-focused funds: ESG fund managers' emphasis on traditional monetary metrics leads to an increase in fund flow's sensitivity to monetary performance. Paradoxically, this heightened sensitivity to monetary performance may hinder the long-term objectives of ESG investments. These findings underscore the importance of thoughtful communication strategies for ESG funds.

Measuring the Economic Impact of AI through Forward-Looking Firm Communications

Jiacheng Liu
Purdue University


I present a novel measure of the economic impact of AI using forward-looking man- agerial assessment contained in firm filings and earnings calls. I establish five new facts: (1) AI interest is rapidly growing among US firms, with significant cross-industry differences. (2) GPT annotations reveal that most of the firms view AI impact as moderately positive, with most of the expected economic impact on labor and investment. (3) AI is more likely to augment workers rather than displace workers. (4) AI-adopting firms are more efficient, profitable, and valued higher while having lower leverage and paying out less. (5) Non-creative knowledge tasks (e.g., Information recording) are more likely to be automated rather than augmented by AI. This paper contributes to measuring and understanding the economic interactions between AI and the business sector.

Media and Corporate Bond Momentum

Grace Liu
City University of Hong Kong
Junbo Wang
City University of Hong Kong
Chunchi Wu
State University of New York-Buffalo


This paper shows that media information induces momentum in corporate bonds. Using a comprehensive media coverage dataset from RavenPack News Analytics, we find that bonds with high media coverage exhibit stronger momentum than those with low media coverage. This media-based momentum concentrates on non-investment-grade (NIG) bonds. Media tone enhances the effect of news coverage, and informed trading of bonds with high media coverage leads to stronger momentum in the short run. Momentum reverses in the long run with bonds of higher media coverage experiencing more pronounced reversals. Our results provide a novel explanation for the momentum in NIG bonds.

Memory and Beliefs in Financial Markets: A Machine Learning Approach

Zhongtian Chen
University of Pennsylvania
Jiyuan Huang
University of Zurich


This paper shows that memory shapes investor beliefs and influences trading activities in financial markets. Using earnings forecasts by financial analysts as proxies for investor beliefs, we extract their memory and recalls by training a machine learning memory model. The extracted recalls strongly predict stock returns. Additionally, dispersion in recalled episodes predicts investor disagreement and trading volume, indicating that memory can be a powerful microfoundation for disagreement. We further document new facts about memory that are directly elicited from market data. Compared to an optimal benchmark trained to fit realized earnings, investor memory is distorted in two key ways. First, investors over-recall distant episodes in regular times but under-recall them during crisis times. Second, investor memory overweights the importance of past earnings forecasts, while the optimal benchmark mainly considers other firm fundamentals beyond earnings. These distortions in memory predict both forecast errors and key behavioral biases, including the presence of overreaction and underreaction.

Mortgage Credit Regulation based on Data Quality: Evidence from Automated Underwriting

Sakif Rahman
University of Rochester


In this paper, I study the credit market outcomes and economic consequences of restrictions placed on algorithm based loan evaluations due to inaccurate statistical risk assessments resulting from a decline in data quality. I exploit an exogenous policy change in a major automated mortgage underwriting system which eliminated such restrictions placed on a subset of loan applicants. Utilizing novel data and a differences-in-differences strategy, I find that the policy change leads to an increase in mortgage credit access without any noticeable impact on credit risk. This change accounts for 26% of the increase in approval rates, with stronger effects where there is limited human interaction in the loan application process and where lenders have greater incentives for mortgage securitization. Further evidence suggests greater benefits to racial minorities and for borrowers facing financial frictions in availing alternate mortgage products due to lender litigation. While homeownership rates rise with spillover effects through lower rent growth in the more exposed areas, exposed banks end up crowding out commercial credit. My findings highlight the significance of automated mortgage underwriting for creditworthy and credit-constrained borrowers, which has important economic implications.

Mosaics of Predictability

Lin William Cong
Cornell University
Guanhao Feng
City University of Hong Kong
Jingyu He
City University of Hong Kong
Yuanzhi Wang
City University of Hong Kong


Existing studies on asset return predictability focus on aggregate performance. We examine the oft-overlooked grouped heterogeneity in return predictability across different assets and macroeconomic regimes. A novel tree-based asset clustering methodology is introduced to partition the panel of asset-return observations according to return predictability, using high-dimensional asset characteristics and aggregate time-series predictors. When implemented on U.S. equities over the past five decades, we find that some characteristics-managed (dollar trading volumes, unexpected earnings, earnings-to-price, and cashflow-to-price) and/or macro-based (dividend yield and default yield) clusters are more predictable, resulting in a heterogeneous predictive model with outperformance. Finally, less predictable clusters generally exhibit lower risk-adjusted investment performance, revealing an important empirical link between return predictability and trading profitability.

Muddy Waters Research and U.S. Stock Market Reaction

Shawn Simpson
Morgan State University
Alex Tang
Morgan State University
Mohammed Alsurayhi
Morgan State University


In this study, we investigate whether investors and auditors react to nonconventional research reports instead of traditional audit reports in the United States. Prior studies have explored market responses to various audit-related factors, such as qualified audit reports, reportable events disclosure, going concern audit reports, adoption of new IFRS Standards, and analyst coverage and recommendations. For this study, nonconventional reports refer to independent investigative reports issued by third-party research firms. Specifically, the analysis focuses on Muddy Waters Research Company, a specific third-party research firm. The data used in the study are obtained from the Securities and Exchange Commission, CRSP, Compustat, and Muddy Waters Research Company. We employ a market model event study to examine investor reactions. We also employ a regression model utilizing audit fees as the dependent variable. Our results indicate a significant negative market response to the independent investigative reports issued by Muddy Waters Research Company similar to the response to conventional reports. However, we did not find a significant audit reaction represented by a change in audit fees for up to two years after the issuance of Muddy Water Research Report.

Navigating Bequests: The Strategic Role of Financial Advisors in Bequest Motives

Michelle Chang
Nanyang Technological University


"Using data from DHS (Dutch Household Survey) between 2005 to 2022, we show the role which financial advisors play in driving bequest choices. Specifically, we find that reliance on financial advisors for household (HH)financial decisions increase the likelihood of bequeathing by 3 to 6% conditional on one having the intention to bequeath. Additionally, we identified the 2013 collapse and bank run of SNS Bank as a shock to reliance on financial advisors and show that treat individuals see a fall in their bequest intentions post event period. Last, we analyse the special module survey in HRS in 2016 and find that individuals who rely on financial advisors are 12.0 percentage points more likely to make a will, and 16.0 percentage points more likely to leave an inheritance of more than $10,000."

Negative Capital Shock, Overseas Buyers, and Housing Market

Qian Wang
Purdue University


While local policies regarding foreign capital inflows into residential housing markets typically oscillate between promoting wealth effects and ensuring housing affordability, the majority of current literature focuses on the positive demand shocks to examine the necessity of implementing restrictions on foreign capital. In this paper, I explore the implications of a negative capital shock from China on local housing markets. By leveraging China's implementation of stricter foreign exchange purchase quota management for its citizens as an exogenous negative demand shock on foreign Chinese buyers in the US single-family homes market, my analysis reveals substantial effects on local housing assets. Not only did the volume of house transactions by foreign Chinese buyers significantly decline compared to other foreign ethnicities (Indian and Russian), but house prices also significantly dropped in neighborhoods that are popular among Chinese buyers. However, the magnitude of price drop is smaller than expected, especially when compared to positive demand shocks of similar magnitude reported in the literature. Additionally, the elasticity of housing supply, as implied by such a negative demand shock, is higher than that reported in existing literature. My findings provide an important rationale for why some cross-border bans or restrictions, aimed at curbing capital inflows and thus local house prices, have had limited effects.

Endogenous Matching in the Private Debt Market

Paul Rintamäki
Aalto University


I study how the organizational structure of a firm affects capital allocation within the booming private debt industry. Focusing on business development companies (BDCs), important nonbank lenders, I document that perpetual-life BDCs lend more bilaterally to smaller and riskier borrowers while finite-life BDCs participate in larger deals with multiple lenders. I show that this two-sided endogenous matching can arise from a search-theoretic model, where the lender's perpetual-life incentivizes both counterparties to engage more in bilateral lending. With perpetual-life lenders, the borrower trades off a lower loan rollover risk for a higher coupon rate. This effect is 37 basis points when instrumenting the fund structure. Stronger lending relationships also provide borrowers more stable credit and support employment growth.

One Hundred and Thirty Years of Corporate Responsibility

Joel Houston
University of Florida
Sehoon Kim
University of Florida
Boyuan Li
University of Florida


U.S. history has been punctuated by time-varying attitudes and shifting public discourse about the externalities and responsibilities of business. Applying natural language processing (NLP) techniques that account for context evolution in historical news text, we develop a monthly time-series index dating back to the late 19th century that measures public attention to environmental and social (E&S) issues related to business (ESIX).We explore the properties of ESIX and relate it to macroeconomic fluctuations, asset prices, and corporate decisions. Public attention to social issues around business arises during times of macroeconomic and social instability, whereas attention to environmental issues is heightened during times of relative prosperity. At the firm-level, positive exposure to such public attention is associated with lower future stock returns. Heightened E&S concerns reduce the level of corporate investments and weaken the link between corporate investments and Tobin’s q in the short-run (i.e., 1-2 years out), but ultimately improve both the level and efficiency of corporate investments in the long-run (i.e., up to 10 years out). These findings indicate that markets are unable to fully price the long-term real effects of the demands for corporate responsibility.

Opioid Crisis and Firm Downside Tail Risks: Evidence from the Options Market

Jie Cao
Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Amit Goyal
University of Lausanne
Yajing (Stella) Wang
Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Xintong (Eunice) Zhan
Fudan University
Weiming Zhang
IE Business School


This paper explores how the opioid crisis exposure affects firm downside tail risks implied from equity options. Using a large sample of U.S. public firms from 1999 to 2020, we find that firms headquartered in regions with higher opioid death rates face higher downside tail risks, i.e., the cost of option protection against left tail risks is higher. The effects are reversed following exogenous anti-opioid legislations, supporting a causal interpretation. Further analysis shows that the opioid crisis heightens firm risk by reducing labor productivity. The effects that occur through a labor channel are stronger for firms with higher labor intensity, lower labor supply, and lower workplace safety.

Paid Sick Leave Mandates and Household Portfolio Choice

Yibing Wang
King's College London
Steven Ongena
University of Zurich
Duc Duy Nguyen
Durham University
Tarik Driouchi
King's College London


Using the staggered adoption of paid sick leave (PSL) mandates across US states, we document a 20% increase in the average household stock market participation following the enactment of a PSL policy. The effects are more pronounced among households facing greater health concerns, higher employment risks, and financially vulnerable households. Several mechanisms can explain our findings. PSL mandates offer households insurance-like protection, increase their income and wealth, and improve households’ future outlook. Our findings demonstrate that PSL laws create positive economic externalities by motivating households to invest in risky assets, a key factor toward building wealth.

Passive Investing and Market Quality

Philipp Höfler
Goethe-Universität Frankfurt
Christian Schlag
Goethe-Universität Frankfurt
Maik Schmeling
Goethe-Universität Frankfurt


We show that an increase in passive exchange-traded fund (ETF) ownership leads to stronger and more persistent return reversals in the cross-section of US equities. Removing return components unrelated to liquidity strengthens the effect on short-term reversals, suggesting that passive ETF ownership decreases liquidity. Exploiting exogenous variation from reconstitutions in the Russell indices allows us to further examine the causal impact of passive ETF ownership on stock liquidity as well as other factors of interest. We find that more passive ETF ownership causes higher bid-ask spreads, more exposure to aggregate liquidity shocks, and higher idiosyncratic volatility. We assess whether market participants also price these effects by making use of option-implied tail risk measures, which capture the jump risk in returns. Our findings confirm that stocks with more passive ETF ownership are more prone to extreme price movements in line with recent theoretical work suggesting that passive investments make demand curves for stocks substantially more inelastic. Finally, we examine potential drivers of our results by decomposing a stock’s return variation into different types of information. We show, again using index reconstitutions, that higher passive ETF ownership reduces the importance of firm-specific information, consistent with the view that passive funds crowd out active investors who trade on fundamental information. In addition, passive ETF ownership increases the importance of transitory noise which we attribute to heightened exposure to market-wide sentiment shocks and short-term noise trading.

Political Connection, Corruption, and Demand-Driven Stock Returns

Chunxiao Lu
University of Melbourne


I show that shifts in fund demand significantly impact stock returns. Using a reduced-form structural model and a characteristic-based demand asset pricing system, I investigate the price impact of firm-level political connections on stock returns through public fund demand, particularly after the 2012 anti-corruption campaign in China. Firstly, political connections have an insignificant direct effect on stock returns as an additional pricing factor but significantly and negatively affect stock returns through the fund demand channel, highlighting the importance of public fund demand. Meanwhile, the demand shifts in public funds significantly contribute to the decline in concurrent stock returns: public funds generally reduce holdings of stocks with higher political connections, especially those headquartered in provinces with elevated corruption indices, following the anti-corruption campaign announcement. By controlling for size and value factors that traditionally account for anomalies in Chinese stock returns, I reveal that non-fundamental demand shocks play a significant role not captured by political risk factors. This demand-based analysis introduces a novel perspective, distinct from conventional political risk literature that focuses on discount rate or cash flow-based analyses, and provides causal evidence for the decrease in stock returns during periods marked by unexpected political events.

Political Connections and Carbon Emission Disclosures: A Cross-Country Examination

Glades McKenzie
Florida State University
April Knill
University of South Carolina
Omrane Guedhami
University of South Carolina-Columbia
Sadok El ghoul
University of Alberta - Saint-Jean


Using a novel dataset containing details on 192 politically connected firms across 50 countries, we explore how political connections affect a firm’s decision to voluntarily disclose carbon emissions in an international setting. Our baseline results reveal that politically connected firms disclose significantly less of their carbon emissions, on average, compared to their unconnected peers. These results are driven by firms in countries with more corrupt governments, where connections provide more value to firms. We find that appointed politicians allow their connected firms to obfuscate their carbon emissions while elected politicians do not. Further, firms connected to politicians outside of their home country do not change their carbon emissions disclosure while firms connected to politicians in their home country significantly reduce such disclosure. Our results are consistent with connected firms receiving protection from government litigation and receiving benefits that offset the value of disclosing environmental performance, suggesting that political connections diminish such disclosure, undermining the push for universal environmental disclosure.

Political Homophily in Supply Chain Relationships

Ting Dai
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Yonghao Zhai
Singapore Management University
Zhihong Chen
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology


This paper investigates how political ideology affects supply chain networks amid rising U.S. corporate polarization. Using data on corporate employees’ political contributions and supply chain relationships, we present three key findings. First, homophily in political ideologies significantly increases supply chain relationship formation, especially under high information asymmetry. Second, this ideological alignment yields economic benefits: suppliers offer better trade credit terms and direct more innovation resources toward politically aligned customers. Third, firms with politically aligned suppliers demonstrate better operational performance such as enhanced market value and profitability. Using the Sinclair Broadcast Group’s staggered geographic expansion as an exogenous shock, we establish causality between ideological homophily and supply chain partner selection. Our study extends the organizational behavior literature by showing how ideological similarities between firms create economic value through reduced transaction costs and improved coordination.

Predictability of Firm-Level Stock Crash Risk

Gregory Gillis
University of Hawaii at Manoa


Utilizing a combination of indicators for both rapid past debt and return growth at the firm-level, I explore whether this strong macroeconomic predictor of financial crisis onset can add explanatory and predictive power to stock price crash risk for an individual firm. I find that average crash occurrence strongly increases with a delay, starting two years after a firm simultaneously exhibits both traits, and remains significantly elevated with swings in economic magnitude. When using continuous measures that capture stock price distributions, negative tail skewness and down-to-up volatility show peaking crash risk two years after the overheating of credit balances that coincide with rapid return growth, which subsequently subsides towards the unconditional in the following years, lending credence to the predictability of a stock price crisis. This measure exhibits predictive power over the entire 60 years tested in this paper. Some evidence suggests this occurs due to the overpricing of stocks on the market along the self-fulfilling prophecy philosophy, where improvements in information asymmetry may contribute to the delayed increase in crash risk.

Price Discovery in High-Frequency Equity Markets: Evidence from Retail and Institutional Trades

Jan Harren
University of Münster


Using high-frequency trades and quotes (TAQ) data, I quantify the information content of retail and institutional trades in equity markets. I find evidence of a heterogenous price impact among retailers and institutionals. Consistent with theory, I show that information frictions, illiquidity, and information drive differences in the price impact of retail and institutional investors. A size-neutral trading strategy on institutional investors' price impact yields sizeable returns, beats the market, and is not explained by established risk factors. Furthermore, I find that episodes of coordinated trading by Robinhood investors reduce the price impact of institutional investors. This is consistent with indirect liquidity provision from retailers to institutionals via wholesalers due to internalization of retail trades.

Production Technology, Information Acquisition and Disclosure, and Asset Prices

Minxing Zhu
University of Macau


We develop a model in which investors trade a long-lived asset whose dividend is contingent on a firm's production and show that a more efficient real economy can lead to a less efficient financial market. With a higher real production efficiency, measured by a larger output elasticity of capital, the sensitivity of the firm's income to its capital input decision increases. Investors who are uncertain about the firm's future decision thus perceive a higher risk of the asset's resale price and trade less aggressively. Consequently, the asset's price informativeness, trading volume, liquidity, and the investors' information extraction (the asset's risk premium, return volatility, and the investors' information production) decrease (increase). We also identify a new channel through which firms' information disclosure lowers financial price informativeness. Suggestive evidence of the negative relationship between production efficiency and market efficiency is provided.

Push to Read and Trade

Minxia Chen


This paper examines the dual role of attention in financial markets through the lens of mobile push notifications. While attention can motivate investors to research and trade stocks, potentially improving price discovery, it may also discourage engagement when investors believe information is already priced in. Exploiting a natural experiment where 7% of push notifications fail due to technical issues, I study how mobile notifications—distinct from the underlying news content—affect investor behavior. Preliminary results show that successful notification delivery increases news reading time and stock click rates, particularly for securities in investors' watchlists, portfolios, or focus lists. The findings demonstrate how digital communication channels shape individual investors' information acquisition and trading decisions in modern financial markets.

Returns to Scale in Passive Management: Evidence from ETFs

Bong Ko
University of California-Irvine


Leveraging recursive demeaning, we find that ETF’s benchmark-adjusted return increases with lagged fund size. One standard deviation increase in fund size is associated with an increase in monthly performance by 4.5-9.6 basis points. Economies of scale are more pronounced in funds with high tracking errors. In contrast, the scale effect is weakened for higher Morningstar rating funds. Liquidity and turnover that affect scale economies in active funds are unlikely to play a role in passive funds. Returns to scale are present over time without systematic differences between normal and illiquid periods. Our results highlight the importance of size in ETFs.

Rewiring supply chains through climate policy

Emanuela Benincasa
University of Zurich
Olimpia Carradori
University of Zurich
Miguel Ferreira
NOVA University Lisbon
Emilia Garcia-Appendini
Norges Bank


We show that climate transition risks can have a significant effect on supply chains. We find that suppliers exposed to the California cap-and-trade program are more likely to lose customer relationships and less likely to establish new ones. These supply chain adjustments are driven by a loss of competitiveness due to the program, as the effects are more pronounced when suppliers face more competitive pressure and produce less specific inputs. This rewiring of supply chains is consistent with carbon leakage as customers exposed to the program through production networks experience increased scope 3 emissions.

Save more or less? The impact of government health insurance change on saving behavior

Lyren Ye Lu
Imperial College London


This research shows an overall decreasing effect on saving after the introduction of Serious Sickness Insurance (SSI) with a China survey dataset. I build a three-period model showing that SSI can influence saving via two driving forces: reducing precautionary savings for medical expenditures; increasing saving for a longer life expectancy. I employ staggered difference-in-difference estimators to show that the empirical results agree with the prediction of the model. Both the decrease in medication expenditure and longer life expectancy increase the utility of the insured. The effects are different across wealth, household registration type, and age groups. The actual most beneficial group is the wealthiest quantile, which is different from the initial goal when setting the policy.

Scientific Talents and Firm Growth: Evidence from Scientific Breakthroughs

Jialin Qian
Georgia State University


This paper studies the impact of corporate scientists on firm growth in the context of scientific breakthroughs. Leveraging a comprehensive publication database and a text-embedding large language processing tool, I develop a measure for corporate scientific human capital. Analysis of three major scientific breakthroughs of the 21st century reveals that firms affected by these breakthroughs and possessing a higher stock of relevant scientific human capital demonstrate superior performance following these breakthroughs. Corporate scientists create value mainly through the knowledge spillover channel. Specifically, corporate scientists engage more in patenting after scientific breakthroughs in firms affected by the breakthroughs and endowed with substantial scientific human capital. These firms also generate a greater number of impactful patents and are more likely to be early adopters of citing scientific papers in their patents compared to their peers. Additionally, these firms are more successful in attracting star scientists after breakthroughs. This study highlights the crucial role of corporate scientists in connecting basic science with industrial innovation in a modern economy that increasingly relies on intangible assets and human capital.

Short-Termist Carbon Emissions

Kai Maeckle
University of Mannheim


Carbon abatement investments are inherently long-term in nature. Therefore, short-term profit pressure may distort these investments. Consistent with this idea, firms that just meet analysts' short-term profit targets have about 4.3 to 4.99 percentage points higher growth in carbon emissions than firms that just miss. I estimate a quantitative model with endogenous carbon emissions and short-term incentives for managers. Removing short-term incentives reduces firms' profits by 0.43% and carbon emissions by 2.19%. In aggregate, short-termist carbon emissions are as large as total U.S. aviation emissions in 2022. My estimates suggest that short-termism is welfare-reducing via the carbon emissions channel.

Spatial Extrapolation in The Housing Market

Gen Li
University of British Columbia


This paper introduces “spatial extrapolation,” a concept that refers to how economic expectations for one region are formed by extrapolating from the economic outcomes of another geographic area. We demonstrate this unique form of extrapolation by analyzing the purchasing behavior of out-of-town (OOT) homebuyers. Using data from approximately 3 million OOT housing transactions in the U.S. between 2002 and 2017, we find that a 50% increase in five-year hometown house prices leads OOT buyers to pay 2% more for OOT properties. The higher the hometown house price growth, the lower the realized returns and purchase discounts obtained by OOT buyers. To rule out the wealth effect, the paper designs two strategies. First, we classify renters, migrants, and second-home (SH) buyers to control the wealth increase from hometown properties. Second, we estimate geographic heterogeneity in extrapolative beliefs. We find that OOT buyers from higher extrapolation hometowns increase their purchase prices more after the hometown house price growth. Overall, our research highlights the potential spillover effects of extrapolation into other asset markets and provides evidence that extrapolative expectations have broader effects than previously recognized.

Statistical Validation of Contagion Centrality in Financial Networks

Agathe Sadeghi
Stevens Institute of Technology
zachary feinstein
Stevens Institute of Technology


In this paper, we introduce a novel centrality measure to evaluate shock propagation on financial net- works capturing a notion of contagion and systemic risk contributions. In comparison to many popular centrality metrics (e.g., eigenvector centrality) which provide only a relative centrality between nodes, our proposed measure is in an absolute scale permitting comparisons of contagion risk over time. In addition, we provide a statistical validation method when the network is estimated from data, as is done in practice. This statistical test allows us to reliably assess the computed centrality values. We validate our methodology on simulated data and conduct empirical case studies using financial data. We find that our proposed centrality measure increases significantly during times of financial distress and is able to provide insights in to the (market implied) risk-levels of different firms and sectors.

Stock Mispricing and Dual Holders' Loan Pricing

Yun-Soo Kim
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
Yeonggyu Yun
University of Wisconsin-Madison


We investigate how dual holders who simultaneously hold loans and equity shares of a firm respond to stock mispricing of the firm. Using the fire-sales shock driven by mutual fund outflows as a measure of stock mispricing, we find that dual holders provide loans with lower spreads to the firms under the fire-sales shock. The result is driven by dual holders’ incentive to support the firm as long-term investors. We establish causality by exploiting mergers between financial institutions. In a firm-level analysis, we find that dual holders’ loan provisions offset the negative effects of the fire-sales shock on corporate investments.

Synthetic Dollar Funding

Umang Khetan
University of Iowa


Despite their higher cost and hidden leverage, off-balance sheet foreign exchange (FX) swaps play a critical role in providing US dollar funding to large global banks. Yet, the frictions that lead banks to rely on these instruments and their asset pricing implications are not well understood. This paper shows that FX swaps emerge as alternative ("synthetic") funding instruments when banks face negative funding shocks from cash-market investors, such as US money market funds. The resulting increase in swap demand, combined with limits to arbitrage, leads to substantial deviations from covered interest parity (CIP) – the breakdown of a fundamental no-arbitrage pricing condition. I show a causal impact of banks’ swap demand on CIP deviations using an instrumental variables strategy that exploits idiosyncratic variation in money market funds’ investment in bank-level debt. This shift in aggregate demand is absorbed by non-bank users of FX derivatives in the form of higher hedging costs: I estimate the elasticity of non-bank investors' hedging demand to swap prices and find only a partial adjustment in quantities traded. My results indicate that frictions in the global market for the US dollar can provide a demand-based explanation for CIP deviations.

Taking the Road Less Traveled? Market Misreaction and Firm Innovation Directions

Tianshu Lyu
Yale University
Zunda Winston Xu
Stanford University


We propose that public investors react differently to patent issuance depending on its novelty, and these misreactions exert real impacts on the firms' future innovations. First, using textual analyses of patent documents to measure patent novelty, we find that investors underreact to the issuance of path-breaking innovations while overreact to the trend-following ones. Novel patent issuance predicts lower risk but positive forecast errors, consistent with a non-risk-based novelty mispricing mechanism. A bounded-rationality model, where investors cannot figure out the true novelty of a patent at issuance due to cognitive limits, explains the empirical patterns well. Second, using exogenous distraction shocks, such as sensational news, we present causal evidence that after disappointing returns, novel firms shift from creating and following up on novel innovations to copycatting. The findings highlight that investors' misreactions to patent novelty impact firms' future innovation directions by steering them away from higher-valued, groundbreaking research.

Tax Incidence in Consumer Financial Markets: Evidence from Auto Leases

Sarah Najafzadeh Khoei
University of Kentucky
Morteza Momeni
Dartmouth College
David Sovich
University of Kentucky


Using a novel dataset on auto leases and a tax policy change by the state of Georgia, we estimate the tax pass-through rate and study its determinants. We find that (1) auto dealers (not lenders) capture a substantial portion of this tax subsidy and (2) consumers spend about 50% of their subsidy to upgrade and lease a more expensive vehicle. In contrast to prior literature on consumer credit markets, we find no evidence that demand factors including credit score and past experience affect this pass through rate. Our findings suggest that the market structure of auto lease market is the main driver of the heterogeneity in the pass-through rate

The Economics of Patent Licensing: An Empirical Analysis of the Determinants and Consequences of Patent Licensing Transactions

Thomas Chemmanur
Boston College
Xi Chen
University of Houston
Jingxuan Zhang
University of Alberta


In this paper, we investigate the economics of patent licensing using a large and unique sample of patent licensing transactions from the ktMINE Patent License Agreement Database. We address three key research questions for the first time in the literature: the characteristics of licensor and licensee firms driving the former firms to license patents to the latter; the patent characteristics driving a licensor's decision to retain, sell, or license certain patents; and the consequences of patent licensing transactions for licensor and licensee firms. Our findings indicate that licensors prefer licensing to downstream firms while avoiding firms with similar patent portfolios. Licensors retain patents closer in technological distance to their own portfolios and sell those farther away, while licensing out patents that are in-between the two. Licensees, on the other hand, prefer to license in patents closer to their own patent portfolios. Both our baseline analysis and a difference-in-differences analysis around the National Technology Transfer and Advancement Act of 1995 show that patent licensing transactions are efficient: they increase the Tobin’s Q of both licensors and licensees. However, the channels of equity market value creation for licensors and licensees are different: while licensors’ increases in Tobin’s Q are greater for firms that can charge higher licensing fees, exposure to new technologies is a source of value increase for licensees. We further find that licensors increase their R&D expenditures and generate more patents following licensing transactions, suggesting that they use some of their proceeds from licensing transactions to enhance their innovation productivity. Licensees, on the other hand, introduce more new products and increase their innovation efficiency subsequent to licensing transactions, suggesting that they are able to learn from using the patents they license.

The Effect of U.S. Monetary Policy on Foreign Firms: Does Debt Maturity Matter?

Sebastiao Oliveira
University of Illinois
Jay Rafi
University of Illinois
Pedro Vitale Simon
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign


We provide novel evidence that corporate debt maturity plays an important role in the transmission of U.S. monetary policy to foreign firms. Exploring the ex-ante maturity structure of long-term debt to predict firms' financial position in a given year, we show that firms with a high proportion of long-term debt maturing right after a contractionary shock experience a more pronounced decrease in investment and sales compared to other firms. We find that firms in emerging economies are much more affected by these shocks compared to those in advanced economies, and the amplification effect of U.S. monetary policy shocks is present only in emerging economies. Our findings suggest that refinancing constraints can significantly amplify the international transmission of U.S. monetary policy.

The Impact of Air Pollution on the Cost of Issuance of Municipal Bonds

Mansoor Shekarian
Texas A&M University


"I show that pollution increases municipal bonds’ offering yields and yield
spreads, indicating increased financial constraints on municipalities. I establish
this by utilizing an instrument variable based on the expansion of Clear Air Act
regulations, which led to a quasi-random variation in the county’s subsequent
exposures to small particulate matter (PM2.5). Counties facing elevated air
pollution levels tend to offer higher yields when issuing municipal bonds compared
to counties with cleaner air. This yield increase is particularly pronounced
for bonds that carry greater repayment obligation risk. In addition, long-term
bonds are subject to higher pricing in response to air pollution risks, suggesting
that the market places a premium on such risks for extended durations. Air pollution adds to the financial constraints of municipalities through the following
channels: the county’s GDP growth, debt burden, and property tax."

The Impact of Climate Policies on Financial Markets: Evidence from the EU Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism

Mengjie Shi
Goethe-Universität Frankfurt
Yupu Zhang
University of Hong Kong
Christoph Meinerding
Deutsche Bundesbank


The introduction of the EU Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) has triggered statistically significant negative stock market responses for firms within the EU. Comparing EU customers that have non-EU suppliers in CBAM-affected industries with their nontreated peers in the control group, we find an extra cumulative abnormal return of up to
-1.3 percentage points over our main five-day event window around December 13, 2022. Furthermore, we document substantial anticipatory market responses reflecting updated beliefs about broader climate policy developments going forward. This paper is the first to provide empirical evidence of carbon border tax impacts on firm valuations through international supply chains. Our findings contribute to the understanding of climate policy transmission through international trade networks and inform the debate on stranded assets resulting from environmental regulations.

The Impact of Social Media Influencers on the Financial Market Performance of Firms

Zhengfa Zhang
University of Leeds
Kevin Keasey
University of Leeds
Danilo V. Mascia
University of Leeds
Costas Lambrinoudakis
University of Leeds


Despite the huge growth in the number of influencers and their use by firms, there is a lack of analysis of how social media influencers affect the financial market performance of firms. Anecdotal evidence suggests mega influencers can impact the stock prices of firms via social media. We ask whether such an effect is generalizable to all mega influencers and other financial market characteristics of firms. Using a hand-collected dataset of 16,156,419 mega influencer posts on Instagram, we find that mega influencers affect investors’ attention, volatility and trading volume but not stock returns. It takes top influencers with extreme sentiment posts to affect returns and, even here, the effect is short-lived.

The Invisible Handshake: State Pensions and Corporate Political Contributions

Jun Tu
Singapore Management University
Jingshu Wen
University of Oxford
Fan Zhang
Bentley University
Haofei Zhang
Nankai University


We investigate whether US politicians exchange favors with corporations by influencing public pension fund investments, as anecdotal evidence suggests that U.S. politicians may influence public pension fund investments to obtain more corporate campaign contributions. We find that listed firms with higher state pension ownership donate significantly more to politicians and committees from the state. Using news articles from Reuters, we find that politicians’ names tend to co-occur with both pension and campaign donations, especially those from states with high levels of corruption. Contrary to politicians’ alleged concern for pension performance and funding shortfalls, we find that political influence hurts both state pension and portfolio firm performance. These effects are stronger for states with higher corruption index values, for firms with worse corporate governance, for donations to super PACs, and after the Supreme Court loosened soft money restrictions in 2010. Exploiting state-level variation on soft money restrictions, our difference-in-differences tests show that campaign finance freedom increases the campaign donations that politicians receive from state pension portfolio firms. The results suggest a new mechanism for political rent-seeking, which may exacerbate U.S. public pension funds’ underperformance and unfunded liabilities.

The Noise Share of the 52-Week Price-Peak Effect on Mergers and Acquisitions

Ke Bi
University of Edinburgh
Leonidas Barbopoulos
University of Edinburgh
Yue Liu
University of Edinburgh


What is the role of different types of information in the target share price on the effect of 52-week high on takeover premia? We find that a higher fraction of noise in the target share price amplifies the reliance on the target’s 52-week high price in determining the offer price in corporate takeovers. Conversely, none of the separate private, public and market information plays a significant role in this context. Interestingly, the punishment to the bidder for paying the target relying on the target 52-week high price disappears after considering the noise in the target share price. This suggests that bidders’ reliance on the target’s 52-week high price may not always be irrational. Moreover, the increased likelihood of deal success by paying over the target 52-week high price is reduced in the presence of increased noise in the target’s share price. This indicates that target shareholders might not be that satisfied with receiving a noisy reference price. Further results confirm that the percentage of noise, indicating undervalued targets to bidders with information advantages, drives the offer price’s reliance on the target’s 52-week high. In summary, the target reference point effect does not work uniformly but depends crucially on the underlying percentage of noise in the target share price and the reliance on the target 52-week price might not always be irrational.

The Numbers Game: Effects of Listing Pricing Format in Housing Bargaining

Haaris Mateen
University of Houston
Franklin Qian
University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
Ye Zhang
Stockholm School of Economics
Tianxiang Zheng
University College London


This study investigates how different listing price formats influence bargaining outcomes in the U.S. housing market. Using nationwide listing-level data spanning 20 years, we analyze the strategic use of precise prices (e.g., $351,432), charm prices (e.g., $349,900), and round prices (e.g., $350,000) and their effects on final sales price and transaction speed. We develop a theoretical framework to explain why sellers adopt specific pricing formats and provide empirical evidence to support our hypotheses. Our findings reveal that precise prices signal informed sellers and are associated with higher final sales prices. Charm prices act as cheap-talk signals, leading to faster sales but at slightly lower prices. Round prices, often used by inexperienced or uninformed sellers, attract more aggressive counteroffers from buyers. By combining a repeated sales approach with a national-scale, data-driven analysis, this study offers novel insights into the strategic effectiveness of pricing formats in the housing market bargaining process. Our results contribute to the understanding of how sellers' pricing strategies shape bargaining dynamics and outcomes, providing valuable implications for both market participants and policymakers.

The Real Cost of Benchmarking

Sebastian Hanson
Stanford University
Christian Kontz
Stanford University


This paper provides causal evidence that benchmarking-induced asset price distortions have real effects on corporate investment. We document that increased benchmarking over the past 20 years fundamentally changed the cross-section of stocks' CAPM βs. We establish causality using exogenous variation in stocks' benchmarking intensity around Russell index reconstitutions. Stocks' CAPM βs increase upon index inclusion with larger effects for stocks which experience larger benchmarking intensity increases. Firm managers perceive this as an increase in their cost of capital and reduce investment. Treated firms have 7.1% less physical and 8.4% less intangible capital after six years. We find consistent results at the industry level using long-differences from 2000 to 2016. At the aggregate level, increase in CAPM βs caused by benchmarking largely offset the decline in the risk-free rate over the past 20 years and can explain 57% of the missing investment puzzle.

The Real Effects of China’s Carbon Dioxide Emissions Trading Program

Xiangzhen Li
Tsinghua University
Hao Wang
Tsinghua University


China’s emissions trading system applies a salient two-stage emissions intensitybased compliance quota allocation scheme significantly different from the cap-and-trade systems prevalent in developed economies. It was designed to accommodate the country’s socioeconomic complexities and implemented following a learning-by-doing approach. Compliance firms increased investment and expanded production workforce, while their climate decisions are influenced by state ownership and regional heterogeneity.

China’s Global Ownership

Hong Ru
Nanyang Technological University
Yaojun Ke
Nanyang Technological University
Jennie Bai
Georgetown University
Luc Laeven
European Central Bank


Assembling a comprehensive micro-level dataset of China’s ownership in 154,699 firms across 159 countries between 2012 and 2021, we evaluate the scale, patterns, and motivations behind China’s overseas investments and assess their real impact on target firms and the spillover effects on non-Chinese-owned peer firms in the same country and industry. Our findings show that China's global ownership has grown at an annual rate of 22%, reaching a 1.72% global share by 2021. China tends to target firms with strong innovation, abundant natural resources, and those integrated into its supply chains. After acquisition, target firms tend to expand in firm size by 10.4% and increase R&D investments by 4.9% on average compared to non-target peer firms. However, these investments fail to result in higher patent output and instead lead to declines in operational efficiency and profitability, highlighting a disconnect in the innovation process and inefficient investment under Chinese ownership. This impact is especially pronounced when Chinese shareholders are affiliated with the government or state-owned enterprises. Notably, these findings stand in stark contrast to the outcomes of acquisitions by other economies such as the United States, Japan, and India.

The Rise and Fall of Investment: Rethinking Q theory in Equilibrium

Xinwei Li
Xinyu Liu


This paper provides an exposition of how shocks to the supply of investment drive the joint dynamics of investment and Q. In absence of shocks to the marginal cost of investment (i.e., the supply of investment), shocks to the marginal value of investment (i.e., the demand for investment) determine both equilibrium investment and Q, resulting in a conventionally expected monotonic relation along the constant upward-sloping investment supply curve. In presence of non-trivial shocks to the marginal cost of investment, however, there is no longer a one-to-one relation between investment and Q. In essence, Q is to investment as price is to quantity in any demand-supply system. This paper theoretically demonstrates that, in a general dynamic model of investment, shocks to the investment demand induce a positive comovement between investment and Q when the marginal cost of investment is monotonically increasing, while shocks to the investment supply induce a negative comovement of investment and Q when investment is sufficiently inelastic to supply shocks. The elasticity of investment to demand and supply shocks critically depends on their respective persistence. This paper shows with numerical simulations that the correlation between investment and marginal/average Q critically depends on the relative volatility of and the persistence of supply shocks. A modest level of volatility of supply shocks is able to generate low or even negative correlations between investment and Q.

The Role of Equity Financing Constraints in the Transmission of Monetary Policy

Heitor Almeida
University of Illinois
Timothy Johnson
University of Illinois
Sebastiao Oliveira
University of Illinois
Yucheng Zhou
University of Illinois


We show that equity financing constraints play a unique role in the amplification of monetary policy shocks. Employing a text-based metric of financial constraint that distinguishes between a company’s emphasis on equity versus debt financing, we show that equity-focused constrained firms endure more substantial declines in stock prices and implement deeper cuts in capital expenditures and R&D when faced with a contractionary monetary policy shock. Equity-focused constrained firms significantly reduce equity issuance in response to tighter monetary policy. Conversely, debt-focused constraints do not seem to play an economically significant role in magnifying the impact of monetary policy shocks. Our findings suggest that a pecking order theory describes the choice of the form of finance, with firms preferring debt finance to equity, and hence firms resorting to equity finance being more financially constrained.

The Value of Information from Sell-side Analysts

Linying Lyu
Zhejiang University


I examine the value of information from sell-side analysts by analyzing a large corpus of their written reports. Using embeddings from state-of-the-art large language models, I show that textual information in analyst reports explains 10.19% of contemporaneous stock returns out-of-sample, a value that is economically more significant than quantitative forecasts. I then perform a Shapley value decomposition to assess how much each topic within the reports contributes to explaining stock returns. The results show that analysts' income statement analyses account for more than half of the reports' explanatory power. Expressing these findings in economic terms, I estimate that early acquisition of analyst reports can yield significant profits. Analyst information value peeks in the first week following earnings announcements, highlighting their vital role in interpreting new financial data.

The Zero-Beta Rate Revisited

Rong Wang
Duke University


"The zero-beta rate is an important concept in asset pricing due to its implications
for the security market line, beta anomaly, risk-free rate, etc. This paper revisits the
estimation of the zero-beta rate and argues that existing methods produce high and volatile zero-beta rates arising from two channels: model misspecification and errorin-variables. Any model misspecification leads a non-uniqueness of the zero-beta rate. Measurement errors in betas increase noise in the estimation. Simulation analysis shows that both channels are quantitatively important for increasing the mean and volatility of the estimated zero-beta rate. In addition, I propose a new perspective on evaluating empirical factor models based on the theoretical result that a correctly specified model should feature a unique zero-beta rate. The new tests show that prominent factor models in the literature (e.g., Fama-French, q-factors, IPCA models) are misspecified."

Tick size and price discovery: Futures-options evidence

Richie Ma
University of Illinois
Teresa Serra
University of Illinois


The tick size, representing the minimum price increment in a financial market, can influence pricing efficiency. We examine its role in price discovery between futures and options in the Chicago Mercantile Exchange corn and soybean markets. Futures markets have a tick size twice that of options, often resulting in one-tick quoted spreads. This limits traders’ ability to improve the best bid or offer price, reducing their capacity to incorporate information into the price. With larger tick sizes and despite thin and costly trading, we find that options are more informative than futures on average. Price-improving quotes from options traders enhance information impounded into prices, suggesting that an unconstrained tick size may enhance price discovery.

Time Series Reversal: A Payment Cycle Friction

giuliano graziani
Bocconi University


"This paper shows that the U.S. equity market reverts the liquidity-driven trading induced
by the payment cycle within a month. The aggregate reversal is robust to transaction costs
and out-of-sample tests as it concentrates on liquid and high-priced stocks and during
expansion periods. The findings lead to a novel interpretation of reversal: the pattern
measures the liquidity not efficiently provided in the market rather than investors’ cognitive
bias or compensation for market-making."

Trading on Hearsay: The Role of Rumors and Influencers’ Investment Horizon in Shaping Asset Prices

Edward Halim
Nanyang Technological University
Yohanes Riyanto
Nanyang Technological University
Nilanjan Roy
City University of Hong Kong
Yan Wang
Nanyang Technological University


We design an asset market experiment to explore the truth-telling incentives of a privately informed investor capable of swaying followers' investment decisions. Confirming recent theoretical results, we find that the influencer's investment horizon is a significant predictor of their propensity to spread rumors. Short-term influencers are inclined to disclose their private information truthfully, while long-term influencers often resort to rumormongering. Truthful disclosures, particularly when aligned with subsequent information arrivals, have a higher short-term price impact, which benefits the influencer. Consequently, followers tend to trust short-term influencers more, with this trust strengthening progressively over time. Conversely, long-term influencers' communications are largely ignored. Moreover, truth-telling among short-term influencers increases with the transparency of the trading mechanism.

Transaction-cost-aware Factors

Federico Baldi Lanfranchi
EPFL & Swiss Finance Institute


"Investors actively optimize for trading costs when making portfolio decisions. Yet, prominent asset pricing factors aiming to summarize the investor opportunity set follow fixed rebalancing rules that overlook the cost of trading. I propose a class of transaction-cost-aware (TCA) factors --- explicitly optimized to explain net-of-cost returns --- that bridge this gap.

TCA construction controls how aggressively factor portfolios adjust when the underlying characteristics change. Standard factors rebalance in full, irrespective of whether marginal expected returns cover trading costs incurred. My methodology finds the optimal balance between these two forces.

TCA factors generate higher risk-adjusted returns net of costs than unoptimized factors based on the same characteristic. Spanning regressions of TCA factors on their unoptimized counterparts consistently deliver positive alphas. Further, models that employ TCA factors come closer to spanning the feasible efficient frontier for investors facing non-zero transaction costs. These performance gains carry over out-of-sample and are robust to cost-mitigation techniques proposed in the previous literature.

Construction inefficiencies addressed by TCA factors significantly impact asset pricing inference. The benefits of TCA construction are heterogeneous and most apparent for high-turnover factors, such as momentum. Such factors appear unprofitable after costs if constructed suboptimally but regain prominence in the TCA setting. Therefore, asset pricing tests on unoptimized factors can reach incorrect conclusions on which economic characteristics matter for the cross-section of expected returns."

Trust and Credit Divergence

Zhiheng He
Tsinghua University
Yang You
University of Hong Kong


We model trust as the collective reputation of borrowers and explain the persistence in trust across societies with the co-existence of multiple equilibria, consequently leading to divergent credit and economic growth. Our theory demonstrates distrust to be a self-fulfilling curse: lenders believe borrowers are more likely to default and raise interest rates, reducing borrowers' incentive to repay loans and thus fulfilling the expected low trust environment. Financial deregulation spurs faster economic growth in high-trust countries as trust nurtures good behaviors without incurring additional social costs for regulation enforcement. The informal credit market further inhibits formal credit market development in the low-trust economies. Empirically, distrust persistently predicts less formal borrowing, lower credit card ownership, and lower GDP growth with 50\% predictability attributed to slower credit expansion. Financial liberalization fosters higher GDP growth in high-trust countries but the opposite in low-trust countries.

Unpackaging ESG: Evidence from 401(k) Investment

Jiaxing Tian
Chinese University of Hong Kong-Shenzhen
Jiahong Shi
London School of Economics and Political Science


We study how investors respond to scandals related to three distinct aspects of ESG--E(nvironmental), S(ocial) and G(overnance)--in their retirement savings. Using data on 401(k) investments, we show that nearby ESG scandals correlate with increased ESG fund additions and flows, possibly through ``evoking' their existing sustainable preferences. Investors with different characteristics respond heterogeneously to E, S and G scandals. In magnitude, old investors are twice as likely as young investors to add ESG funds to their portfolios after the shock of social scandals. In specific scandals, low-income investors care about human rights, while only young and rich investors care about environmental issues. Investors also have clear leanings on ESG funds, resulting in an overweighting of funds with higher environmental and social scores and a lack of attention to governance elements. Overall, our results suggest the need to incorporate distinct E, S, and G concerns into heterogeneous preference models.

Value versus Values: Can Stock Liquidity Save the Planet?

Zhenkai Ran
University of Cambridge
Mao Ye
Cornell University


The fundamental challenge to the literature of sustainable investing is the difficulty of disentangling value from values (Starks 2023). While values investors are willing to sacrifice financial returns to prioritize nonpecuniary objectives, value investors concern about whether environmental issues drive firm value, that is, improve the firm’s risk-return prospects. By leveraging an exogenous liquidity shock, the tick size pilot (TSP) program, that disproportionately affects the financial prospects of value investors vis-à-vis values investors in the treated firms, we show that value investors play a significant role in driving environmental policies. During the TSP, treatment firms show a decline in the environmental rating. Green institutional investors tend to divest in response to portfolio firms’ environmental incidents. Such divesting intensity becomes less pronounced for treatment firms during the TSP period. The TSP-induced decline in environmental ratings is larger for firms with an ex-ante greater exposure to exit threats.

Venture Capital Response to Government-Funded Basic Science

Roham Rezaei
University of New South Wales
Yufeng Yao
University of New South Wales


Science-based R&D can deter venture capitalists due to high technical risk. We study whether mission-oriented public funding, which supplies basic science as a public good, fosters VC investments. Our quasi-natural experiment is the BRAIN Initiative (BI), a government-funded program with the goal of mapping the human brain. Using a large language model, we first show the large spillover effects of BI in neurotech. In a difference-in-differences analysis, we find an increase in VC investments in neurotech startups accompanied by higher valuations and more successful VC exits following the BI. The channels driving these results suggest reduced technical risk: 1) increased supply of high-skilled academic labor; 2) more innovation, including breakthrough patents; 3) enhanced integration with complementary technologies, especially AI and big data, which aligns with the BI's data-driven mission. Our results suggest the supply of government-backed science and scientists can spur follow-on private investments in emerging technologies.

Vertical Integration, Supply Chain Disruptions, and Corporate Yield Spreads

Anni Wang
University of Nevada-Reno
Yifei Li
University of Nevada-Reno
Qun Wu
University of Nevada-Reno


Vertical integration can reduce transaction costs and increase a firm’s control along the supply chain, thereby mitigating supply chain risk and leading to lower yield spreads. However, vertically integrated firms may suffer from asset specificity, which can create investment uncertainty and rent extraction, thus resulting in higher yield spreads. We find that firms with greater vertical integration (VI) exhibit lower bond yield spreads. Specifically, a one-standard-deviation increase in VI correlates with an 17 basis points decrease in yield spreads without control variables, and a 4 basis points decrease in yield spreads when accounting for a set of yield spread determinants. This effect is more pronounced for companies facing elevated supply chain risk, supporting the supply chain risk channel. Amid global supply chain disruptions such as the COVID-19 pandemic and the U.S.-China trade war, vertical integration takes on an even more important role in reducing credit spreads. Our findings suggest that firm-level vertical integration can effectively hedge supply chain risk, representing a novel mechanism not previously considered in bond pricing studies.

What Drives Bank Credit Lines? Wholesale Funding and Bank Liquidity Creation

Mohit Desai
University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill


"Liquidity creation is one of the primary functions of banks, and bank credit lines or
contingent commitments are the single largest source of it. In this paper, I propose a novel channel linking banks’ credit line commitments to wholesale funding. Using banks’ regulatory data, I empirically document that banks with greater wholesale funding ratios lend more using off-balance sheet commitments. Causal estimates rely on two identification strategies (1) membership dates of banks to the Federal Home Loan Bank (FHLB) system in a staggered difference-in-differences (DiD) exercise and (2) shift-share instrument design. Estimates from these exercises suggest a 1% increase in wholesale funding leads to 0.3-0.4% increase in contingent commitments. I rule out reverse causality in a standard DiD design using an exogenous regulatory change – introduction of FIN 46 – which materially impacted banks’ supply of credit line commitments. The mechanism relies on maintenance of costly liquidity buffers. I show that banks with greater wholesale funding shares keep higher liquidity buffers to avoid refinancing risks. Economic efficiencies emerge as long as negative wholesale funding shocks don’t coincide with credit line drawdowns similar to the synergy argument in Kashyap, Rajan and Stein (2002). These results run contrary to the prevailing deposit-based theories of banks’ commitment lending and have important implications for banks’ ""specialness"" in commitment lending, aggregate liquidity risk, and post-2008 decline in credit lines to US firms."

When Political Connections Backfire: Social Protests, Asset Damage, and Firms' Response

Navid Neshat
Indiana University


While the benefits of corporate political connections are well-documented, their potential costs remain understudied. Using a proprietary dataset of over 1.1 million corporate assets, I find that assets of politically connected firms, defined as those led by former politicians, are significantly more likely to incur damage during social protests. Notably, damages to connected firms led to a significantly greater destruction of underlying asset value. I further examine how these firms respond to such events. In the aftermath of the protests, connected firms insure additional assets, expand coverage on existing policies, and, in some cases, sever political ties by dismissing politician managers. These findings can provide insight into why many firms opt not to establish close relationships with politicians, despite the widely recognized benefits of such affiliations.

When the Thin Bench Gets Thinner: The Effects of Investment Bank Consolidation on Municipal Finance

Renping Li
Washington University in St. Louis


Antitrust regulations in banking have historically targeted commercial banking activities. Does the consolidation of investment banks have anti-competitive effects? Using the geographically fragmented municipal bond underwriting market as a natural laboratory and employing a stacked difference-in-differences specification, I find that the underwriting spread increases by 4.8% of its sample mean following within-market consolidation. The effects double for larger M&As or in more concentrated markets and do not dissipate over time. These M&As do not generate efficiency gains that manifest as lower bond yields or substitution of other issuer-paid services. The findings remain robust when examining M&As less prone to endogeneity concerns and are absent in several placebo tests. Further, Census data suggest that such consolidation is followed by higher financing costs and reduced new issuance. My findings offer a novel perspective on bank antitrust regulations, which are currently in the spotlight for revision and modernization.

Where does gamma hedge drive the intraday market move?

Taeyoung Park
University of Texas-Dallas


"This study examines how option market makers’ inelastic demand for delta-neutral hedges impacts the intraday fluctuation of the underlying asset price. Their short gamma imbalance in the trading book exposes them to both gamma and theta risk, resulting in a nonlinear gamma loss and constant theta profit. When they carry a short gamma position, option replication requires delta rebalancing at any price, creating inelastic demand for the underlying asset. This study hypothesizes that the creation of inelastic demand occurs when the trading book’s PnL gets negative, and so it explores the breakeven ranges of gamma and theta PnL as inflection points that cause inelastic demand and intraday momentum for the underlying stock. Empirical findings show that breaking this threshold range has a pronounced impact on the underlying intraday momentum. Furthermore, this study broadens its test to see whether option demand
from active institutions influences asset prices via MM’s gamma hedge channel. Overall, this research contributes to a deeper understanding of the underlying market’s dynamics, as well as the inelastic hedging demand for option market making via a delta-neutral hedge."

Who Wins and Who Loses when Firms Stay Private Longer?

Leo Stanek
University of Minnesota


How much does reducing of the number of firms in public equity markets harm investors? How much has the value firms can get from going public changed in the past few decades? I develop a dynamic supply and demand model of the firm entry/exit choice for public markets to relate firm benefits from being public to firm characteristics. Firms face a dynamic discrete choice problem on whether to be in public markets, with the benefits of being public a function of their characteristics, demand elasticities for their characteristics, and various regulatory and cost of capital changes. This structural analysis allows me to not only break down the causes of the transformation in US public equity markets, but also to say what the consequences of them have been for firms and investors. I find that a private firm's implied option value of going public has fallen by over half since the pre-Sarbanes era, but that the harm to investors in public equity markets is minimal. The reduction in my model is mostly caused by an increase to fixed costs of being a public company in the post-Sarbanes era.

Why and How Do Analysts Make Multiple Forecasts in a Day?

Chuyi Zhang
University of Hong Kong
Tse-chun Lin
University of Hong Kong


Recent studies find that equity research analysts face cognitive constraints, and their earnings forecasts become less accurate when they issue multiple forecasts on the same day (“forecast clustering”). Knowing such a behavior leads to lower forecast quality, it remains a puzzle why these analysts increasingly choose to cluster forecasts on the same day. We find that forecast clustering is closely related to rising workloads, the need for timely forecasts following concurrent earnings announcements, and distractions from news about other portfolio firms. Forecasts for firms important to the analysts’ careers or containing significant news are less likely to be clustered, suggesting strategic effort allocation by analysts. Our findings suggest that investors who rely most on written research by analysts should carefully assess the quality of analyst reports produced under increasing workload nowadays.
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  • G0 - General