2024 Association for Public Policy Analysis & Management Meeting (APPAM)

2024 APPAM Fall Research Conference

21 November – 23 November 2024 
Gaylord National Resort & Conference Center 
National Harbor, Maryland 

CSWEP Sessions
The Causes and Consequences of Immigration
Session Chair: Tara Watson, Brookings Institution
Organizer: Sarah Reber, Brookings Institution

Immigration and Provision of Public Goods: Evidence at the Local Level in the US
Anna Maria Mayda, Georgetown University, Mine Senses, Johns Hopkins University and Walter Steingress, Bank of Canada

From Arrivals to Sales: The Effect of Immigration on Sales Tax Revenue
Alisha Saini, University of Illinois at Chicago

Immigrant Peers and the Short-Run Academic and Long-Run Outcomes of US-Born Students
Briana Ballis, UC Merced, Derek Rury, University of Chicago and Christina Sun, UC Davis

No Point Crying over Spilled Oil: Impact of Crude Oil Spills in out-Migration in Nigeria
Bhavya Srivastava, Georgetown University

Discussant: Andrea Valasquez, University of Colorado Denver

K12 Education Policy
Session Chair: Sarah Reber, Brookings Institution
Organizer: Sarah Reber, Brookings Institution

Schools and Social Capital: School Organization, Cross-Income Exposure and Determinants of Economic Mobility
Farah Mallah, Harvard University

Immigrant Integration and Success in K-12 Schools
Kirsten Slungaard Mumma, Teachers College, Columbia University and Elizabeth Setren, Tufts University

Effects of Grade Retention on English Learner Students: A Gateway or a Gatekeeper?
Diana Quintero Castellanos, Vanderbilt University

SNAP Disbursement and Student Disciplinary Outcomes
Liliane Nienstedt, Vanderbilt University and Leah R. Clark, US Census Bureau

Discussant: Nora Gordon, Georgetown University


Sarah Reber, DC Representative
Cabot Family Chair
Senior Fellow in Economic Studies
Brookings Institution
1775 Massachusetts Drive NW
Washington DC 20036

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