Committee on the Status of Minority Groups in the Economics Profession

Featured Profile
Rodney Andrews |
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What's New?
- How YOU can respond with more than just words to the protests for Racial Equality.
- How Departments can Respond with more than Words to the Protests for Racial Equality
- Professional Development Resources
- Research Seminar Speaker Database for Marginalized Economists
- Diversifying Economic Quality (Div.E.Q.)
Available at, Div.E.Q. promotes inclusive, innovative, and evidence-based teaching practices in economics. Created by Amanda Bayer of Swarthmore College, Div.E.Q. presents useful information in an efficient manner, digesting the relevant research and identifying practicable recommendations with empirical support. Visit Div.E.Q. to discover how to make your departments and classes more effective, inclusive, and welcoming to members of groups underrepresented in economics.
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