Call for Papers

CSQIEP: Call for Abstracts for 2026 ASSA Paper Sessions

CSQIEP Call for Abstracts
Sessions at 2026 AEA Meeting: January 3-5, 2026 (Saturday, Sunday, and Monday)
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown

Deadline: March 26, 2025

CSQIEP invites abstract submissions for paper presentation at two CSQIEP-sponsored sessions at the 2026 ASSA/AEA Meeting in Philadelphia. These sessions will be the fifth annual sessions officially sponsored by the AEA for CSQIEP. One session will be focused on LGBTQ+ economics related topics. Any economics paper addressing LGBTQ+ populations would be appropriate. The other session will be focused on papers in applied microeconomics (e.g., labor, public, development, health, history, econometrics, and related applied microeconomics fields). The original spirit and intent of these forums is to create opportunities for early-career economists from diverse backgrounds to present their research.

Please note that the papers on LGBTQ+ economics topics chosen for this year’s session will be eligible for publication in the 2026 AEA Papers & Proceedings. An ad-hoc CSQIEP committee consisting of individuals who are *not* submitting LGBTQ+ economics research for inclusion in the panel will review and select papers for that session. Authors of accepted abstracts will be invited to submit their paper for publication consideration in December.

Duplication of paper presentation at multiple AEA Sessions is not permitted, therefore authors will be expected to notify CSQIEP immediately and withdraw their abstract if their paper is accepted for a non-CSQIEP session at the 2026 AEA Meeting. Similarly, authors whose paper is accepted to a 2026 CSQIEP session will be expected to withdraw it from consideration by any other organization at the same meetings.

The deadline for submission is: March 26, 2025.

To have research considered for the CSQIEP-sponsored sessions at the 2026 AEA Meeting, the Corresponding Author must send an abstract and the following information:

  • Indication of submission to one of the sessions:
    • LGBTQ-related Topics
    • Applied Microeconomics Topics
  • Indication of a single abstract submission or a complete session submission.
  • The Name, Title, Affiliation, Mailing Address and Email for the correspondence author or session organizer.
  • Name (s), Title(s), Affiliation(s) and Email address(es) for any coauthor(s) or for each corresponding author in a complete session submission.
  • A statement that the presenting author can and will attend the 2026 AEA meeting in Philadelphia in person if the paper is selected.

The abstract should be a PDF document, not exceeding two pages in length, double-spaced, with a maximum of 650 words.

Name the file: “Abstract_Corresponding Author Last Name-First Name.”

The abstract should contain details on motivation, contribution, methodology and data (if applicable); and be clearly identified with the author(s) name(s).

Completed papers may be sent but may not substitute for an abstract of the appropriate length.

Please email submissions to: You will receive an acknowledgement of your submission.

Questions can be addressed to Kitt Carpenter, CSQIEP Co-Chair,