• Member Announcement
  • March 6, 2025

AEA Member News and Announcements

Date: March 6, 2025
To: Members of the American Economic Association
From: Peter L. Rousseau, Secretary-Treasurer

Guidelines for Comments on Published AEA Articles

In January 2025, the American Economic Review, the American Economic Review: Insights, and the American Economic Journals adopted a set of internal guidelines for handling comments, replies, errata, and corrigenda. In light of these guidelines, the AEA is discontinuing a feature added some years ago in which members could directly post informal comments to articles published in the AEJs. The feature did not gain widespread adoption, and the Association believes this new set of guidelines, including e-comments, will provide an improved facility for bringing important new information about published articles to light. For more details, see https://www.aeaweb.org/journals/comments.

Nominations for the AEA Distinguished Service Award Open in April

Do you know an economist who has made an impact on the profession through their service? Plan now to nominate an individual for this prestigious award. The AEA Distinguished Service Award was established to recognize the volunteer efforts of individuals who have served the profession. The service contribution should impact the field of economics in a significant and positive way on a national scale. While this award is conferred by the AEA, it is not expected that service be limited to AEA-supported activities. For more details and information on how to nominate an individual, visit https://www.aeaweb.org/about-aea/honors-awards/distinguished-service-award.

Mid-Career Peer-to-Peer Mentoring – Enroll Now!

The Committee on the Status of Women in the Economics Profession (CSWEP) is excited to announce that enrollment in its popular Mid-Career Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Mentoring Program is now open! The program aims to help mid-career economists find community, support, and mentoring.

To learn more and enroll your group, visit cswepmentoring.org. P2P is supported by a grant from the Co-Impact Foundation.

AEA Conference on Teaching and Research in Economic Education (CTREE)

The 14th annual CTREE conference will be held on May 28-30, 2025, at the Westin Denver Downtown in Denver, Colorado. The conference is hosted by the AEA Committee on Economic Education (AEA-CEE) in conjunction with the Journal of Economic Education. Plenary talks will be given by Danila Serra (Texas A&M University) and Tim Cason (Purdue University). A preliminary program, registration, and housing information for the conference is available at https://www.aeaweb.org/about-aea/committees/economic-education/ctree/2025.

Don’t Miss Out on Upcoming Live Ombuds Workshops

The ombuds team, consisting of three team members from MWI, provides one-hour live workshops for AEA members. Mark your calendars for the following sessions:

  • Wednesday, March 26 at 12:00 p.m. EST: "Interactive Listening Skills"
  • Thursday, April 24 at 3:00 p.m. EST: "How to Have a Productive Difficult Conversation at Work"

For more details and to register, visit https://www.mwi.org/aea-workshops. To learn more about the ombuds resource and team members, visit https://www.mwi.org/aea-ombuds.


Best Practices for Economists: Building a More Diverse, Inclusive, and Productive Profession

The Best Practices at https://www.aeaweb.org/resources/best-practices offer guidelines for professional activity in four areas: conducting research, serving as colleagues, working with students, and leading departments and workplaces. Click through to find practical suggestions for implementation, summaries of supporting research, and links to a multitude of online resources. Departments are strongly encouraged to post or link to these guidelines on their own websites, and to implement and support them in their everyday activities.

Monthly Digest of Research Highlights

Did you know the AEA provides a monthly digest of Research Highlights from AEA journals delivered right to your inbox? Each issue includes select article summaries, author interviews, featured charts, and links to related articles from our archive. It’s a convenient way to stay abreast of recently published research in AEA journals covering a wide range of topics that economists study. Sign up at https://www.aeaweb.org/research/digest today to receive a complimentary digest every month!

Follow the AEA on BlueSky and more!

Stay informed! Follow the AEA on BlueSky, X (formerly known as Twitter), and Facebook to learn about programs, services, resources, AEA committees, important member announcements, and upcoming deadlines. For a list of accounts to follow, visit https://www.aeaweb.org/social.