• Member Announcement
  • February 12, 2025

Call for Papers and Other Announcements

Date: February 12, 2025
To: Members of the American Economic Association
From: Peter L. Rousseau, Secretary-Treasurer

Call for Sessions and Papers for the 2026 AEA Annual Meeting

Members wishing to give papers or organize complete sessions for the AEA program at the 2026 ASSA Meeting in Philadelphia are invited to submit proposals electronically to AEA President-elect Katharine Abraham beginning March 1. While papers covering a wide array of topics in economics will be included on the program, Professor Abraham especially encourages proposals on research that can inform social and economic policy decision making, including research focused on the development of better measures of social and economic conditions.

The deadline for submissions is April 1 for individual papers and April 15 for complete sessions. The submission portal will open on March 1 at https://www.aeaweb.org/conference/submissions.

Use EconHarmony to Find Others to Submit a Complete Session

EconHarmony helps prospective individual paper submitters for the AEA Annual Meeting find others with similar interests who might join them to form a complete session submission and provides an opportunity to volunteer as a session chair. Twenty-nine percent of submitted complete sessions and 17% of submitted individual papers appeared in sessions on the 2025 AEA Annual Meeting program. Visit https://www.aeaweb.org/econharmony/ for more details.

Lightning Round Sessions at the 2026 AEA Annual Meeting

The 2025 lightning round sessions held at the ASSA Meeting in San Francisco proved to be well-received by the attendees. This additional opportunity to be on the AEA program will be available again for the 2026 annual meeting. Lightning round sessions, where participants will have approximately seven minutes to present their paper and three minutes for questions, will be held throughout the conference in regular session time slots. The AEA especially encourages graduate students and early career economists to submit individual papers through the standard portal at https://www.aeaweb.org/conference/submissions, and to check the box agreeing to also be considered for a lightning round presentation.

AEA Poster Sessions for 2026 AEA Annual Meeting

Posters are an integral part of the AEA program. The Association is planning another poster session for 2026 in which accepted posters will remain on display throughout the conference. There will be dedicated time periods for the authors to have the opportunity to present their work. Posters will be selected from individual papers submitted through the portal for which the presenter has agreed to be considered for a poster. The AEA will arrange for the printing of the posters.

You can view the AEA Poster Session Videos featuring AEA interviews with select 2025 poster presenters who discuss their research and the broader implications of their work. Visit https://www.aeaweb.org/conference/videos/2025.

Requests for Topics and Lecturers for the AEA Recent Developments in Economics Lecture Series

Do you have a topic you would like to see in the AEA Recent Developments series? We want to hear from you! Send suggested topics and lecturers to assa@vanderbilt.edu.

Webcasts of the 2025 Recent Developments Lecture series are available for viewing at https://www.aeaweb.org/conference/webcasts/2025/recent-developments. Check out lectures from leading scholars on topics such as experimental economics and field experiments; research on cities, housing, and spatial sorting; the future of working from home; research on gender, violence, and harassment; and more.


Call for Papers for 2026 ASSA Meeting

The Committee on the Status of Women in the Economics Profession (CSWEP) is accepting abstract submissions for paper presentations for seven CSWEP-sponsored sessions at the 2026 ASSA Meeting in Philadelphia. Three sessions will focus on Gender in the Economics Profession; Gender and Climate Justice; and Gender, Working from Home and Female Labor Supply. Two sessions will focus on Economic Theory and two sessions will focus on Global Economy. For more information and submission details, visit https://www.aeaweb.org/about-aea/committees/cswep/participate/annual-meeting/paper-sessions.

CeMENT Workshop - 2025

Based on feedback from past participants, potential applicants, and mentors, the CeMENT workshop will now be held June 30 - July 2, 2025, at the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago. To apply, go to our common application portal which is https://www.aeaweb.org/committees/CSWEP/CeMENT/apply/2025/. The deadline for applying is March 15.

AEAStat – Call for Papers and Sessions

The Committee on Economic Statistics (AEAStat) will sponsor three sessions on economic measurement at the 2026 ASSA Meeting. The committee solicits both individual papers and proposals for sessions of three or four papers, with preference given to full session proposals. The committee is interested in receiving submissions in any area of economic data and statistics. One of the three sessions will be published in the AEA Papers and Proceedings. For more information and a list of papers selected for past AEAStat sponsored sessions, visit https://www.aeaweb.org/about-aea/committees/economic-statistics/annual-meeting. Abstracts are due by April 1 to Karen Dynan, AEAStat Chair, at aeastat@aeapubs.org. Submissions should be PDF files and include the names, institutional affiliations, and email addresses of all participants. Proposals for full sessions should include a chair and discussants.


Call for Papers for the AEA-CEE’s AEA Papers & Proceedings Session

The AEA Committee on Economic Education (AEA-CEE) is pleased to sponsor a session of research papers on economic education at any level (undergraduate, graduate, postgraduate, or pre-college) at the 2026 ASSA Meeting. This session has a long history of showcasing impactful research that has significantly contributed to advancing economic education. Accepted papers will appear in the AEA Papers and Proceedings, subject to editorial review and approval. To have your paper considered, please submit an abstract of 250-500 words by March 1 to Gail Hoyt, University of Kentucky, at ghoyt@uky.edu. Abstracts should clearly communicate that the paper is either completed or in an advanced stage of development.

Call for Facilitators for a Workshop on Teaching with AI

AEA-CEE will host a teaching workshop at the 2026 ASSA Meeting in Philadelphia. The workshop, titled “Teaching Economics with the Use of AI,” will focus on providing informal, hands-on guidance for integrating AI into economics classrooms. Unlike traditional sessions, no formal papers are required. The workshop will feature three facilitators or teams of facilitators, each presenting for 40 minutes (including Q&A) on a specific aspect of using AI in teaching economics. If you are interested in serving as a facilitator in this workshop, please send an email expressing interest to William Bosshardt, Florida Atlantic University, at wbosshar@fau.edu  to receive full details about applying for the session. The deadline for applications is March 1.

Call for Posters

AEA-CEE will sponsor a poster session at the 2026 ASSA Meeting devoted to active learning strategies across the economics curriculum. Instead of papers, session presenters will prepare large visual poster summaries of their work. These will be mounted in an exhibition room to allow presenters to speak directly with session participants. Although the committee encourages presenters to include evidence that their strategy enhances learning, it does not require quantifiable evidence. Presenters should emphasize the originality of their strategy and provide sufficient information so that session participants may apply the technique in their own classrooms. Proposals should describe the teaching strategy and explain how it will be displayed on the poster. Posters marketing textbooks, commercial software, or similar materials will not be considered for the session. Proposals are limited to two pages and are due by April 1. Proposals should include full contact information for all authors. Please send proposals to Irene Foster, The George Washington University, at fosterir@gwu.edu.


The 14th annual AEA Conference on Teaching and Research in Economic Education (CTREE) will be held on May 28-30, 2025, at the Westin Denver Downtown in Denver, Colorado. The conference is hosted by the AEA-CEE in conjunction with the Journal of Economic Education. Plenary talks will be given by Tim Cason (Purdue University) and Danila Serra (Texas A&M University). A preliminary program, registration, and housing information for the conference will be available on February 14 at https://www.aeaweb.org/about-aea/committees/economic-education/ctree/2025.

EDUCATE Workshop

Expanding Diversity in Undergraduate Classes with Advancements in (the) Teaching (of) Economics (EDUCATE) Workshop. The AEA-CEE is pleased to announce that the annual EDUCATE workshop will be held in conjunction with the 2025 CTREE in Denver, Colorado. The workshop will be in-person with supporting structures and materials facilitated through Canvas beginning Friday, May 30 and concluding on Sunday, June 1. Visit https://www.aeaweb.org/about-aea/committees/economic-education/educate-workshop for details. The application portal for the 2025 workshop is open, with a rolling acceptance procedure that continues until all workshop slots are filled.

CSQIEP Virtual Seminar Series

The Committee on the Status of LGBTQ+ Individuals in the Economics Profession (CSQIEP) invites you to its virtual seminar series on the Economics of LGBTQ+ Individuals. The seminar occurs Tuesdays at 12 noon EST. Details can be found at https://www.aeaweb.org/about-aea/committees/csqiep/virtual-seminars.

Committee Name Change

The Committee on Equity, Diversity, and Professional Conduct is now called the Committee on Professional Climate (CPC). The committee's charge is to improve the climate in the economics profession, particularly for women and minorities, and to consider additional ideas to improve the climate for all those in the profession. For more information, go to https://www.aeaweb.org/about-aea/committees/cpc/about.

Don't Miss the Upcoming MWI Workshop

The upcoming one-hour workshop "Resolving Workplace Conflicts: Strategies from an Ombuds Perspective", scheduled for Tuesday, February 18, at 2:00 p.m. EST via Zoom, will be led by the Ombuds team at MWI. This workshop provides practical strategies for handling workplace conflicts through real-life scenarios attendees submit anonymously in advance. To submit a confidential scenario, email josh-ombuds@mwi.org. To register for the workshop, visit https://mwi-org.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0kfuuhrzIsE9VN3uYOkR3fD8B2CCgGV5g1.

Print-on-Demand Soon to be Available for Members

As announced last year, the AEA has transitioned to digital journals only beginning February 2025. For members who are interested in purchasing a print copy of a journal, the Association has partnered with Sheridan Press for print-on-demand services. Links will soon be provided on the landing page of each issue for purchasing through Sheridan Press.  Print-on-demand services are available for members only.

Call for Artists

The program brochure cover for the ASSA Annual Meeting often features artwork by economists or their spouses. Please contact us if you would like to see your artwork on a cover or have suggestions for future covers. Artwork can be provided in any medium that can be photographed. There is no remuneration, just the honor of having your work recognized. Send suggestions by July 1 to rebekah.loftis@vanderbilt.edu or ASSA Cover, American Economic Association, 2014 Broadway, Suite 305, Nashville, Tennessee 37203.