American Economic Journal:
Economic Policy
ISSN 1945-7731 (Print) | ISSN 1945-774X (Online)
Forthcoming Articles
The following papers have been accepted for publication and will appear in future issues of the journal after being typeset and copyedited.
The Semblance of Success in Nudging Consumers to Pay Down Credit Card Debt
Labor Supply Responses and Adjustment Frictions: A Tax-Free Year in Iceland
Black Lives: The High Cost of Segregation
Take-up of Social Benefits: Experimental Evidence from France
The Making of Civic Virtues: A School-Based Experiment in Three Countries
Healthy at Work? Evidence from a Social Experimental Evaluation of a Firm-Based Wellness Program
Pandering in the Shadows: How Natural Disasters Affect Special Interest Politics
Terrorism and Voting: The Rise of Right-Wing Populism in Germany
Should College Be 'Free?' Evidence on Free College, Early Commitment, and Merit Aid from an Eight-Year Randomized Trial
Does the “Boost for Mathematics” Boost Mathematics? A Large-Scale Evaluation of the “Lesson Study” Methodology on Student Performance
Closing the Gender Gap in Patenting: Evidence from a Randomized Control Trial at the USPTO
International Transmission of Inequality through Trade
Routine-Biased Technological Change and Endogenous Skill Investments
HBCU Enrollment and Longer-Term Outcomes
Reconstruction-Era Education and Long-Run Black-White Inequality
Fiscal Rules and the Selection of Politicians: Theory and Evidence from Italy
Transmitting Rights: Effective Cooperation, Inter-Gender Contact, and Student Achievement
Physician Group Influences on Treatment Intensity and Health: Evidence from Physician Switchers
The Long-Run Effects of Peer Gender On Occupational Sorting and the Wage Gap
Communication Barriers and Infant Health: The Intergenerational Effect of Randomly Allocating Refugees across Language Regions
Eliminating Fares to Expand Opportunities: Experimental Evidence on the Impacts of Free Public Transportation on Economic and Social Disparities
Corporate Minimum Tax and the Elasticity of Taxable Income: Evidence From Administrative Tax Records
Pay Transparency and Gender Equality
Informing Mothers About the Benefits of Conversing With Infants: Experimental Evidence From Ghana
Communicating Program Eligibility: A Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Field Experiment
The Effects of a Multifaceted Poverty-Alleviation Program On Rural Income and Household Behavior in China
Who Watches the Watchmen? Local News and Police Behavior in the United States
Free Trade and the Formation of Environmental Policy: Evidence from U.S. Legislative Votes
Show Me the Money! A Field Experiment on Electric Vehicle Charge Timing
Do Consumers Distinguish Fixed Cost from Variable Cost? “Schmeduling” in Two-Part Tariffs in Energy
A Machine Learning Approach to Analyze and Support Anti-corruption Policy
Welfare Analysis of Changing Notches: Evidence from Bolsa Família
Public and Private Provision of Information in Market-Based Public Programs: Evidence from Advertising in Health Insurance Marketplaces
Increasing Organ Donor Registration as a Means to Increase Transplantation: An Experiment With Actual Organ Donor Registrations
Buy Baits and Consumer Sophistication: Field Evidence from Instant Rebates
Dividend Taxation and Firm Performance with Heterogeneous Payout Responses