American Economic Journal:

ISSN 1945-7707 (Print) | ISSN 1945-7715 (Online)

AEJ: Macroeconomics Research Highlights

Research Highlights Article

Household job search

November 15, 2021
What causes the marital wage premium?
Research Highlights Article

Weathering a sudden stop

August 13, 2021
What are the long-term effects of short-term financial crises?
Research Highlights Article

The effectiveness of HARP

May 3, 2021
How do homeowners respond when they can suddenly refinance their mortgages at lower rates?
Research Highlights Podcast

Climate change and migration

March 31, 2021
Klaus Desmet discusses how accounting for spatial shifts changes estimates of how rising sea levels will affect the economy.
Research Highlights Featured Chart

Competition or creation?

January 27, 2021
Do immigrants hurt the job prospects of native-born workers?
Research Highlights Article

The rise of the service economy

October 19, 2020
Structural changes are reshaping growth, interest rates, and investment in the world’s economies.