American Economic Journal:
Applied Economics
ISSN 1945-7782 (Print) | ISSN 1945-7790 (Online)
Forthcoming Articles
The following papers have been accepted for publication and will appear in future issues of the journal after being typeset and copyedited.
Labor Supply and Entertainment Innovations: Evidence From the U.S. TV Rollout
The Franchise, Policing, and Race: Evidence from Arrests Data and the Voting Rights Act
Where Do My Tax Dollars Go? Tax Morale Effects of Perceived Government Spending
Home, Sweet Home: Returns to Returning in the Age of Mass Migration
Taxes Today, Benefits Tomorrow
Down to the Wire: Leveraging Technology to Improve Electric Utility Cost Recovery
Skill Depreciation during Unemployment: Evidence from Panel Data
Can Development Programs Counter Insurgencies? Evidence from a Field Experiment in Afghanistan
Pulled-in and Crowded-out: Heterogeneous Outcomes of Merit-Based School Choice
Background Matters, but Not Whether Parents Are Immigrants: Outcomes of Children Born in Denmark
Voice at Work
Information Systems, Service Delivery, and Corruption: Evidence From the Bangladesh Civil Service
The Impact of Trade Liberalization in the Presence of Political Distortions
Food Transfers and Child Nutrition: Evidence from India’s Public Distribution System
Salary History and Employer Demand: Evidence from a Two-Sided Audit
Preferences, Selection, and the Structure of Teacher Pay
Not Playing Favorites: Parents and the Value of Equal Opportunity
New Gig Work or Changes in Reporting? Understanding Self-Employment Trends in Tax Data
Family Spillover Effects of Marginal Diagnoses: The Case of ADHD
Tax Incentives for Migrants With Mid-Level Earnings: Evidence From the Netherlands
Childcare, Labor Supply, and Business Development: Experimental Evidence from Uganda
The Productivity Consequences of Pollution-Induced Migration in China
Do Peers Matter in the Police Academy?
The Long-Term Effects of Career Guidance in High School and Student Financial Aid: Evidence from a Randomized Experiment
Sustainable Poverty Reduction through Social Assistance: Modality, Context, and Complementary Programming in Bangladesh
Wind of Change? Cultural Determinants of Maternal Labor Supply
The High and Falling Price of Cement in Africa