American Economic Review: Insights

ISSN 2640-205X (Print) | ISSN 2640-2068 (Online)

AER: Insights Research Highlights

Research Highlights Featured Chart

Automating air pollution monitoring

March 14, 2022
Monitoring technology helped China crack down on cities that underreported air pollution.
Research Highlights Article

License to die

December 17, 2021
What impact does driving have on teenage mortality and risky behavior?
Research Highlights Featured Chart

A big push out of poverty

December 15, 2021
A program in India shows that helping the ultra poor can have long-lasting effects.
Research Highlights Featured Chart

The long story of industrial innovation

September 13, 2021
A new approach to identifying important patents helps shed light on technological breakthroughs since 1860.
Research Highlights Article

Shaping politics

September 7, 2021
Being exposed to greater diversity in elementary and middle school affects party registration in adulthood.
Research Highlights Featured Chart

Understanding the child penalty

July 14, 2021
Can biology explain gender-based differences in earnings after the birth of a child?
Research Highlights Article

Persistent protesting

June 28, 2021
How do political movements sustain participation over the long run?
Research Highlights Featured Chart

Deadly deadlines

March 29, 2021
“Desk-clearing” by drug agencies has consequences for public safety.
Research Highlights Podcast

Social well-being and academic success

January 6, 2021
Northwestern’s Kirabo Jackson discusses how schools can help their students by fostering socioemotional development.