Schedule and Pricing

JOE runs in two cycles a year and listings are posted on a rolling basis. The current cycle is February 1, 2025 – July 31, 2025. The next cycle is August 1, 2025 – January 31, 2026.

JOE listings are posted during the dates specified by the employer (an active date and an inactive date, or through the last day of the cycle at the latest). Employers pay only once to run the listing for the entire cycle, or whatever timeframe is specified. The cost is the same whether the listing runs for the entire cycle (i.e., August 1 – January 31) or if the active dates are set for only a portion of the cycle (i.e., August 1 – December 15).

Effective with the February 1 – July 31, 2025 job cycle, the price of a listing is $450 for 200 words. The price increases $450 for each additional 200 words. Once paid, the listing will be reviewed for approval and posted within a 7-10 business day period (or the beginning of the next cycle, if applicable). Expedited processing of 1-2 business days is offered for an additional fee of $300.

Placements for the upcoming JOE cycle will become available to JOE Employers on the 15th of the preceding month: (June 15 for the cycle beginning August 1 and December 15 for the cycle beginning on February 1). Listings near the end of the current cycle must be placed before January 6 for the August 1 – January 31 cycle or July 6 for the February 1 – July 31 cycle.)