AEA Research Highlights Podcast

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The AEA conducts podcast interviews with AEA authors discussing their work as part of the AEA Research Highlights series. Listen to episodes posted below or subscribe wherever you listen to podcasts:

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Episode 24: Climate change and migration

March 31, 2021
Klaus Desmet discusses how accounting for spatial shifts changes estimates of how rising sea levels will affect the economy.
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Episode 23: How much do local leaders matter?

March 17, 2021
Christian Dippel discusses the Forty-Eighters and their role in the US antislavery movement.
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Episode 22: Supreme polarization

March 03, 2021
University of Chicago law professor Daniel Hemel discusses whether the nation’s highest court is facing a legitimacy crisis and, if so, what to do about it.
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Bonus episode: Tech: economists wanted

February 17, 2021
Susan Athey and Michael Luca discuss the mutual influence between economics and the tech sector.
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Episode 21: The consequences of school choice

February 03, 2021
Harvard professor Chris Avery discusses how allowing students to leave their neighborhood for their education may undercut policymakers' goals.
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Episode 20: Rereading the The Road to Serfdom

January 20, 2021
Bruce Caldwell discusses Friedrich Hayek and the history of economic ideas.
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Episode 19: Social well-being and academic success

January 06, 2021
Northwestern’s Kirabo Jackson discusses how schools can help their students by fostering socioemotional development.
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Episode 18: The promise of conditional cash transfers

December 23, 2020
Rema Hanna discusses how giving families money affects child development in the long run.
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Episode 17: Gendered laws

December 09, 2020
Penny Goldberg discusses how legal gender discrimination affects women’s economic opportunities around the globe.
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Episode 16: The anatomy of inequality

November 25, 2020
Florian Hoffman discusses how income disparities have grown in the US and Europe over the last 40 years.
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